Stuffed zucchini flowers

Hello everyone, today I wanted to share the recipe for stuffed zucchini flowers. İt is very hot in İzmir (TÜRKİYE) in summer. That's why I prefer cold olive oil dishes more. I picked the zucchini flowers from the garden in the morning.

The zucchini flowers, lots of mint, lots of parsley, a grated tomato, salt,black pepper, three medium onions (grated), olive oil, two teaspoons of rice for each zucchini flower.

Grated onion is fried in olive oil.
Rice is added and roasted.

Add salt, black pepper and grated tomatoes. Roast for another fifteen minutes and wait for it to cool.

Add the parsley and mint.

Fill the zucchini flowers as in the photo. Be careful because the flowers can tear at the edges and open.

Stuffed zucchini flowers are placed in the pot and a plate is placed on it. This prevents the flowers from fully opening while cooking.

While the flowers are cooking, add enough water to reach half of the flowers.

And stuffed zucchini flowers cooked. Served cold, bon appetit.

Photos are mine.