Chocolate cake with nuts!

If you need a cheap and good idea for a yummi cake, this post is for you, this cake is quite easy to make and super tasty!
If you love chocolate and nuts it's super!
You need :
. 125 gr of butter
. 3 EGGS
. 179 gr of white sugar
. 50 hr of chocolate drops.
. 115 gr of nuts
. 100 gr of chocolate



In a cold pot put butter and chocolate and make them melt .
Prepare the eggs with the sugar on another cup.
Than add the chocolate and butter to them. Mix well and add the flour and the yeast. Until it became a good dough.. Than add the chocolate drops and the nuts. But save some nuts for before.
Than put it in the hoven at 200 for 30 minutes, with a bit of on under the cake cup.
When the cake is ready decorate it with some nuts in slices and some cream for make the cake even more tasty!!



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The combination of chocolate and peanuts reminds me of the end of the ice-cream bar, a delight...

Yessa so yummi