[EN/ES] It is not a recipe, it is just a step by step | No es receta, es solo un paso a paso

Este Post será un poco diferente, mas que una receta a la cual seguir al pié de la letra por lo tanto no tendrá lista de ingredientes, es mas una busqueda de opiniones de como lo harias tu. Juntaré las mejores ideas y la semana que viene subiré nuevamente un Post, ya teniendo una receta mas establecida, segun lo que vaya aprendiendo en el camino.

This Post will be a little different, more than a recipe to follow to the letter therefore it will not have a list of ingredients, it is more a search for opinions of how you would do it. I will gather the best ideas and next week I will upload a Post again, already having a more established recipe, depending on what I learn along the way.


Empezamos con Ajies Dulces, unos 6 han de ser suficiente para lo que vamos a hacer, solo cortaré los rojos y los amarillos. El verde lo utilicé para que se viera mas claramente que debemos quitar la semillas porque es donde se concentra la mayor cantidad de Capsaicina si es que llegó a activarse durante el cultivo.

EXPLICO RAPIDAMENTE: La Capsaicina es un quimico presente en casi todas las variedades de pimiento (Incluyendo nuestro ají), es el quimico responsable de irritar nuestras papilas gustativas y causa esa sensacion de ardor tan caracteristica al comer picante. Si bien algunos pimientos generan mas Capsaicina que otros, todos son capaces de generarla, es un mecanismo de defensa contra insectos y otras plagas de cultivos, por lo que se suelen encontrar muy pocos pimientos picantes producidos en biberos, ya que es un ambiente mas controlado.

We start with Sweet Peppers, about 6 must be enough for what we are going to do, I will only cut the red and yellow ones. I used green to make it more clear that we must remove the seeds because it is where the greatest amount of Capsaicin is concentrated if it was activated during cultivation.

I EXPLAIN QUICKLY: Capsaicin is a chemical present in almost all varieties of pepper (including our chili pepper), it is the chemical responsible for irritating our taste buds and causes that burning sensation so characteristic when eating spicy. Although some peppers generate more Capsaicin than others, all are capable of generating it, it is a defense mechanism against insects and other crop pests, which is why there are usually very few hot peppers produced in feeding bottles, since it is a more controlled environment. .


Aqui podemos ver similitudes entre nuestro tan querido Aji Dulce y un pimiento, en este caso el poseer una carne mas dulce suele ser visitado mas por hormigas que otra cosa al momento de su cultivo, como mecanismo de defensa acumulan una sustancia bastante amarga que suele alojarse en la parte blanca, eso debemos quitarlo y luego cortamos pequeñas tiras y luego pequeños cubos, no deben quedar perfectos necesariamente.

Here we can see similarities between our much loved Aji Dulce and a pepper, in this case having a sweeter meat is usually visited more by ants than anything else at the time of its cultivation, as a defense mechanism they accumulate a rather bitter substance that usually lodges In the white part, we must remove that and then cut small strips and then small cubes, they should not necessarily be perfect.


¡SEGUIMOS! Cebolla, gran fuente de lagrimas.. La realidad es que la cebolla desprende sus gases solo cuando se liberan sus jugos, estos gases suben al ser mas ligeros que el aire a nuestro al rededor llegando a nuestros ojos causando irritacion, existen muchos trucos, meter la cebolla en la nevera, encender un fosforo, un belon y rezarle a un santo.. NADA funciona, lo de cortar la cebolla estando fria suele ayudar, porque el gas que libera al estar frio seria mas denzo, pesaria mas y tardaria unos segundos mas al subir, dicho eso, eventualmente nos haria llorar igual, la mejor manera es utilizar un cuchillo bien afilado para sacar la menor cantidad de jugos posibles y consecuentemente la menor cantidad de gases o sino utilizar lentes de busear bien ajustados. Utilicé solo media cebolla.

WE FOLLOW! Onion, a great source of tears .. The reality is that the onion releases its gases only when its juices are released, these gases rise as they are lighter than the air around us, reaching our eyes causing irritation, there are many tricks, put the onion in the fridge, light a match, a bell and pray to a saint .. NOTHING works, cutting the onion while cold usually helps, because the gas it releases when cold would be more denzo, it would weigh more and it would take a few seconds but when going up, that said, it would eventually make us cry anyway, the best way is to use a sharp knife to get the least amount of juices possible and consequently the least amount of gases, or else to use well-adjusted lenses. I used only half an onion.


Ajo, hermoso ajo criollo, es un poco mas pequeño del que podrias encontrar en un supermercado, aunque con un sabor mucho mas intenso y picante, para pelarlo simplemente damos un bien golpe con el cuchillo y la piel sale practicamente sola. Luego para triturarlo podriamos utilizar el mismo cuchillo, un mortero o una piedra de rio, que como dato curioso en todas las casas en las que he estado tienen una piedra practicamente igual, como si las hubieran sacado del mismo rio. Cada quien como buenamente pueda, yo utilicé el mortero con un poco de sal y 6 dientes de ajo.

Garlic, beautiful Creole garlic, is a little smaller than you could find in a supermarket, although with a much more intense and spicy flavor, to peel it we simply give a good blow with the knife and the skin comes out practically alone. Then to crush it we could use the same knife, a mortar or a river stone, which as a curious fact in all the houses I have been in have a stone practically the same, as if they had been taken from the same river. Everyone as best they can, I used the mortar with a little salt and 6 cloves of garlic.


Teniendo todos los vegetales cortados nos vamos al fuego, colocamos una olla cualquiera con una o dos cucharadas de aceite y por un lado colocamos los ajos y por el otro el resto de vegetales, al ver que el ajo se empieza a dorar juntamos todo y añadimos medio vaso se agua aproximadamente. Dejamos cocinar a fuego muy lento para que todo quede muy blando.

Having all the vegetables cut we go to the fire, we place a pot with one or two tablespoons of oil and on one side we put the garlic and on the other the rest of the vegetables, when we see that the garlic begins to brown, we put everything together and add about half a glass of water. We let it cook over a very low heat so that everything is very soft.


Luego de unos 15 minutos aproximadamente ya mis vegetales estaban blandos, aunque muy palidos asi que era el momento para usar algo de Paprica picante a modo de colorante, no la añadimos al principio porque es bastante facil quemarla, entonces es preferible en el ultimo minuto. Sabremos que está listo cuando removamos y podamos ver el fondo o cuando empiece a prenderse fuego la casa, lo que ocurra primero.

After about 15 minutes, my vegetables were soft, although very pale so it was time to use some spicy Paprica as a coloring, we did not add it at the beginning because it is quite easy to burn it, so it is preferable at the last minute. We'll know it's ready when we stir and can see the bottom or when the house starts to catch fire, whichever comes first.


Por otro lado, mientras se cocinaban los vegetale me puse a cortar un pollo, no lo iba a usar todo, asi que solo utilicé una pechuga y un cuadril. Luego de deshuesar ambas partes, corté tiras y luego cubos lo mas pequeño que pude. NO BOTÉ LA PIEL, a eso se le coloca sal y se coloca a freir en aceite bien caliente, no hay mejor pasapalo.

IMPORTANTE: Sé que muchas personas saben como despresar un pollo, no obstante tambien sé que muchas personas no saben como deshuesarlo, iba a colocarlo y luego me arrepentí porque logicamente se ven jugos y sangre y para algunas personas seria algo incomodo, te invito a dejarme en los comentarios y se te gustaria que hiciera un Post paso a paso de como despresar y deshuesar un pollo, ya sea para parrilla, para cocinar al horno o simplemente para freir.

On the other hand, while the vegetables were cooking, I started cutting a chicken, I wasn't going to use it all, so I only used a breast and a rump. After boning both parts, I cut strips and then cubes as small as I could. I DID NOT THROW AWAY THE SKIN, salt is added to that and fry in hot oil, there is no better appetizer.

IMPORTANT: I ​​know that many people know how to depress a chicken, however I also know that many people do not know how to bone it, I was going to place it and then I regretted because logically juices and blood are seen and for some people it would be somewhat uncomfortable, I invite you to leave me in the comments and you would like me to make a step-by-step Post on how to depress and debone a chicken, either for grill, to cook in the oven or simply to fry.


Decirte que hice el mismo procedimiento con la carne seria mentirte, simplemente la compré molida. Ambas proteinas las condimenté con salsa de ajo, salsa inglesa, hierbas secas que habia hecho la semana anterior y sal al gusto. Luego añadí la mitad de los vegetales al pollo y la otra midad de los vegetales la carne.

To tell you that I did the same procedure with the meat would be a lie, I just bought it ground. I seasoned both proteins with garlic sauce, Worcestershire sauce, dried herbs that I had made the week before and salt to taste. Then I added half the vegetables to the chicken and half the vegetables to the meat.


Aqui es donde la actividad se puso divertida, luego de haber condimentado nuestras proteinas las dejamos reposar en la nevera aproximadamente 1 hora para que todos los jugos se concentraran y se unificaran sabores. La mitad de la carne la colocamos sobre plastico transparente y hacemos una especie de cilintro, debemos procurar que quede muy ajustado o almenos sin ninguna burbuja de aire.

This is where the activity got fun, after having seasoned our proteins we let them rest in the fridge for about 1 hour so that all the juices were concentrated and flavors were unified. Half of the meat is placed on transparent plastic and we make a kind of cylinder, we must ensure that it is very tight or at least without any air bubbles.


Lo mismo hice con el pollo, este fue un poco mas complicado porque es mucho mas humedo y contiene mucha mas grasa, entonces para asegurarme de que quedara bien ajustado utilicé doble plastico y tambien añadí hilos a los extremos. Esto hacerlo solo se vuelve complicado, asi que pide ayuda a cualquier desconocido que esté pasando por el frente de tu casa. Debe ser desconocido, si lo conoces el nudo no quedará bien ajustado.

I did the same with the chicken, this was a bit more complicated because it is much moister and contains much more fat, so to make sure it was tight I used double plastic and also added threads to the ends. This alone gets complicated, so ask for help from any stranger who is passing in front of your house. It must be unknown, if you know it the knot will not be well adjusted.


En mi caso, a mi me salieron 2 rollos grandes y dos pequeños. La idea es colocarlos a coser en agua a muy baja temperatura, aunque intentanto tampoco sobrecocinarlo. un truco bastante simple es utilizar un peso, da igual si es digital o analogico, lo importante es que funcione. Por regla general tanto la carne molida y el pollo se cocinan 45 minutos por cada kilogramo al horno, en este caso seria un tipo de coccion parecida asi que utilizamos la misma regla. Dicho eso, existen muchas variantes, tambien depende del grosor del rollo, de la temperatura del agua, de si es en agua o en aceite, multiples factores, por eso digo, como regla general 45 minutos por cada kilogramo.

In my case, I got 2 large rolls and 2 small ones. The idea is to place them to sew in water at a very low temperature, although I do not try to overcook it either. a fairly simple trick is to use a weight, it does not matter if it is digital or analog, the important thing is that it works. As a general rule, both ground meat and chicken are cooked 45 minutes for each kilogram in the oven, in this case it would be a similar type of cooking so we use the same rule. That said, there are many variants, it also depends on the thickness of the roll, the temperature of the water, whether it is in water or in oil, multiple factors, that is why I say, as a general rule, 45 minutes for each kilogram.


Luego que se cumplió el tiempo que habiamos estipulado, lo dejamos enfriar en la nevera, decir que es normal que con este metodo entre algo de agua aun por muco que lo ajustes, otra opcion seria meter los rollos a su vez en una bolsa hermetica y como sé que la mayoria no tiene una bolsa asi en sus casas solo utilicé plastico. Para el proximo intento si utilizaré todas las herramientas adecuadas y cada quien en su casa las vá sustituyendo con lo que pueda.

After the time that we had stipulated was fulfilled, we let it cool in the refrigerator, saying that it is normal that with this method some water enters even if you adjust it, another option would be to put the rolls in turn in an airtight bag and As I know that most of them do not have a bag like that in their homes, I only used plastic. For the next attempt if I will use all the appropriate tools and everyone in their home will replace them with what they can.


Listo para comer. Aunque lleva bastante trabajo es algo bastante facil de realizar y creanme que un pan suave recien sacado del horno, relleno con lechuga fresca, mucho tomate y nuestras rodajas de carne y pollo condimentado no tiene comparacion.

¿Como mejorarias tu esto? ¿Que te gustaria agregarle o que paso harias diferente?

Ready to eat. Although it takes a lot of work, it is something quite easy to make and believe me that a soft bread fresh from the oven, stuffed with fresh lettuce, lots of tomato and our slices of meat and seasoned chicken has no comparison.

How would you improve this? What would you like to add or what would you do differently?


No me suelo ocupar yo de los Post de cocina, normalmente los realiza mi compañera de aventuras, por una u otra razon no ha podido hacerlo esta semana y me tocó hacerlo. Mis respetos a los que lo hacen, estar constantemente tomando fotos se me hizo una tortura.

I do not usually take care of the Cooking Post, normally my companion of adventures does them, for one reason or another she has not been able to do it this week and I had to do it. My respects to those who do it, constantly taking photos was torture.