Another easy afternoon snack from this lazy home chef!

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago


An afternoon snack is a tough choice between something healthy and junk. I don't know if it's only me or this is the story of every household. As I have four years old, so I was thinking to make something with milk and egg.

And this recipe popped into my mind!

We call it Pitha, it's almost like a pancake but deep-fried. I added coconut flakes for extra flavor.

Let me share the recipe right away.


Mix two cups of rice flour with one egg, one cup of sugar, and half a cup of coconut flakes.


Mix them well. And add one cup of milk and half a cup of water (or as much needed) to make the mixed medium runny.


I added some black cumin for extra flavor.

Now it's time to fry them.


Heat vegetable oil and use a spoon to pour the mix. Fry on both sides for one minute in medium-low heat.


They will be this fluffy.

Now it's time to serve them.



It has become better than my expectations, soft and delicious. The coconut gave it an extra flavourful kick, loved it.

I guess all the ingredients are available to most households. So let's try and share.

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