Cooking at Home. My homemade meat dumplings or Pelmeni / en/ua

in Foodies Bee Hive4 years ago


Hi folks! The weekend is coming. In between work, from time to time I think about something no less pleasant, for example, what delicious to cook.Привіт, друзі. Скоро вихідні. У перервах між роботою я час від часу думаю про щось не менш приємне, наприклад що смачненького приготувати.
Frankly speaking, I love good food, and I also really like to talk about food. Some ideas just must mature, and we still have enough time for it.Я взагалі люблю смачно поїсти, і поговорити про їжу теж дуже люблю. Деякі ідеї потребують часу, щоб визріти, а отже час ще є.
How about the idea of homemade meat dumplings? From semifinished product, they are prepared very quickly and easily, they are delicious and nutritious, and they can be eaten with different sauces. And fried dumplings are a delicacy of my student youth! ..Як Вам ідея щодо домашніх пельменів? Із напівфабрикатів вони готуються дуже швидко і просто, вони смачні і поживні, і їх можна їсти з різними соусами. А смажені пельмені - це делікатес моєї студентської юності!..



As you can see, I am a big fan of meat dumplings. But I never eat it store-bought. When I was I child, my mother and grandmother prepared pelmeni at home, it was much cheaper as well. Then I grew up and helped them in the kitchen. And now, if I want dumplings, I do it with my hands. Як ви зрозуміли, я дуже їх люблю. Але ніколи не купую. В дитинстві їх готувала моя мама і бабуся, потім я підросла і допомагала їм на кухні. А зараз, якщо хочеться пельменів, я готую їх сама.
Traditionally, pelmeni are small, the dough is thin and a lot of minced meat. To do a lot of them (otherwise what's the point of starting it all?), you need skill. Or special equipment. Традиційно пельмені маленькі, тісто тонке і багато фаршу. Щоб їх багато зробити (інакше який зміст все це починати?), потрібна вправність. Або спеціальне обладнання.

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In Soviet times, the following device was quite popular, and it is still sold. Once, we also had it, and it was in my husband's family as well. But neither we nor they used it. The result was too bad compared to what our skilled fingers can do. У радянські часи був популярний такий ось девайс, він і досі продається. У нас він колись теж був, і в сім'ї мого чоловіка був. Але ні у нас, ні у них він не прижився. Результат був доволі убогим, порівнюючи з тим, що можуть зробити наші вправні пальці :)
I guess I got lucky with my husband, thanks to my his grandmother who grew up in Siberia, he knows how to make dumplings, and once in a while we arrange a dumpling day. Especially when the weather is bad, or just there's no desire to go out. Мені пощастило з чоловіком. Дякуючи його бабусі, він уміє ліпити пельмені, тож ми час від часу влаштовуємо пельменний вихідний. Особливо коли погана погода, або просто є час, але нікуди не хочеться виходити.



The advantage of homemade food is that it is a space to experiment with the recipe to adjust it to your taste and preferences. Перевага домашньої їжі в тому, що це простір для експериментів з рецептом, щоб підлаштувати його під свій смак.
We never buy readymade minced meat. Also, I do not add egg. The dough should be as thin as possible, but it still depends on whether I cook them fresh or freeze and cook later. It also turned out that the dough will be much more elastic if you add a little "unusual" to the usual flour. Ми ніколи не купуємо готовий фарш. У фарш я не додаю яйце. Тісто повинно бути якомога тоншим, але ще залежить від того, буду я варити їх свіжими чи заморожувати і варити пізніше. Також виявилось, що тісто буде набагато еластичнішим, якщо до звичайної муки додати трохи "незвичайної" ;)
You can also experiment with fat and grinding. We grind the meat roughly and do not beat, then it is more juicy and crumbly. In my childhood we had only salt and pepper as spices for meat, now the choice of spices is such that it is possible to choose anything depending on your taste and mood. Із жирністю та помолом теж можна експериментувати. Ми мелемо фарш грубо і не відбиваєм, тоді він більш соковитий і розсипчастий. Раніше із спецій у нас дома були тільки сіль і перець, зараз вибір спецій такий, що можна вибрати будь що залежно від настрою :)
What to eat dumplings with? З чим же їсти пельмені?
when I was a child, I ate dumplings just with melted butter. Then I realized that I love them the way my dad eats - with spicy mustard. Yes, to the tears. In university campus, I learned that most of people add pepper and vinegar. The word sauce was not popular in Soviet period. В дитинстві ми їли пельмені просто з маслом. Потім я зрозуміла, що люблю їх так, як їсть мій тато - з гострою гірчицею. Так, щоб аж до сліз. В студентському містечку я дізналась, що більшість їх їсть із перцем і оцтом. Слово соус не було популярним в радянські часи.
About a year ago I discovered them with soy sauce and this seasoning is my fave now. Sometimes I add sweet and sour sauce. Зараз більш за все я люблю їх із соєвим соусом. Інколи з кисло-солодким соусом.


That's all folks! I hope my post was inspiring and you will have tasty weekend. Because I feel like I do!

Ось і все :) Сподіваюсь цей пост був хоч трохи надихаючим, і у Вас будуть смачні вихідні. У мене - так!

Captured with Pentax K-5 and Pentax DA 55-300. All photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself. If you wish to use any of my images please contact me @zirochka.


@tipu curate

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 10/20)

Much appreciate it 😇🥰❤

This looks good! Thanks for sharing

Thank you for visit!

You are welcome

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 7 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

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Ми з чоловіком теж разом ліпимо. У свій час, а так років 7 тому, навіть ліпили на продаж. Вмикали фільм і ліпили))) найпопулярніші в нас були з шпинатом і моцарелою.
А зараз полюбила заварне тісто на пельмені і вареники.
А чому яйця не даєте?

Мій організм перестав дружити з яйцями. Я тому не їла котлети, а пельмені їла нечасто, хоч дуже хотілося. А потім якось забула дати яйце і виявилось, що проблема була тільки в ньому. Десь я ще чула чи читала якесь наукове обгрунтування, чому не додавати яйце, і пробувала сьогодні знайти, але не змогла. Всі пишуть, що додавати. Так що ... це лише через мої особливості


Домашні пельмені - сила. Пішов клянчити у дружини:)

Ось чому в неї немає целюліту )))

Є ... але я нічого не казав. Інакше мені не жити.

Могила О_о

They look so mouth watering... I've never tried to make the dough before, I'm afraid it might fall apart. Do you have a good basic recipe?

By the way, how are you doing @zirochka? I guess neither of our postcards turned up in the end? Will have to try again when I go back to Taiwan

Hello @livinguktaiwan! Nice to hear from you :)

First of all, the dough is very simple: flour, egg, milk and salt. Nothing more. First, I sift the flour into a bowl, add salt, then make a pit in flour and add an egg. Then I start to knead it with one hand and adding warm milk with another. I add small amounts of milk until the dough becomes smooth enough. You can always add more milk/water or flour. The main point is to knead it long enough, for 5 minutes minimum, and then let it rest and get fermented (30 minutes). Sometimes I knead it again after "rest". If you will cut the dough you should see bubbles inside of it - that's it.
As a hint, I add a little amount of stevia flour or durum wheat flour, it makes the dough more elastic. I've got it from the first try, and I am sure you can make it too ;o)

So, you didn't get my postcard. That's too bad because I got yours :) Is your address still the same? I think I can send another one when you're back, let's give one more chance to our post )))

Your post has made me hungry although I have just had lunch, dear @zirochka 🙂 and these meat dumplings look really delicious.

We have similar food specialities here: In Carinthia there are the "Kärntner Nudeln" or "Kasnudeln" with curd cheese and potato filling, while my mother, who was born and raised in Tyrol, makes "Schlipfkrapfn" which have no curd cheese but more potatoes in the filling, but you can also make them with a meat filling like you do ... or there are many other fillings available like spinach or mozzarella filling. Enough, now I am really hungry ;) lol

Cheers and !BEER

First of all, even though I'm not a Jewish mother, but I think your lunch was too late. I have already had dinner :D :D

Then, the English "dumplings" is used for any kind of them. The Ukrainian language is objectively richer, so we have a separate word for meat dumplings (those I wrote about, only meat filling, small ones), and for dumplings with various fillings called vareniki or sometimes pirogi. They have different shapes as well (their distinctive feature), and sometimes the dough is also different. Those you mentioned are called vareniki - a different dish for me :) I am a nerd, I know )))
By the way, vareniki with salted curd are my all-time favorite!

Glad to hear from you :) How was your day?

Oops, of course I meant lunch - thanks 😉

Good morning @zirochka,

that's right and dumpling is used for different kinds of food.
I have found a photo of "Vareniki" where they look almost exactly like the "Schlipfkrapfen" of my mother. BTW "Krapfen" is translated to English Donut, but have a look - do these look like donuts? 😂
Kärntner Käsnudeln - the Schlipfkrapfn of my mother look the same, but the filling is very different.

Yesterday was a very busy day, I came home late and made just a few comments and replies before I went to bed. Today will be very long too, but then I have a long weekend, because Monday is a holiday.

I hope everything is still fine and you all are well.

Cheers and !BEER

You know, you are quite right, both Schlipfkrapfen und Kärntner Käsnudeln is our vareniki. And I think that after observing all these yummy photos ... I feel like cooking them this weekend )) the more if it will be as cold and rainy as it was all week.

By the way, yes, Krapfen has nothing to do with donats.
Have a great weekend, Johann!

And I think I'm going to visit my mama this weekend. Hopefully our weather will be better. In the past days we had changeable weather and it rained often. Maybe my mama cooks Schlipfkrapfen, that would be great 🙂

I hope your weather will be good enough that you can go out, and bad enough that you can cook these delicious vareniki 🙂
Anyway, I also wish you a great weekend, @zirochka 🙂

Cheers and !BEER

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