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RE: #173 Diese Beiträge brauchen eure Unterstützung! Aufruf zum Voten!

in Deutsch D-A-CH3 years ago


Dear DA-CH community,
With the series of articles "Call for Votes" I would like to draw attention to articles that are about to be paid out and, in my opinion, are undervalued.

Since the value of upvotes decreases the closer a contribution approaches the payout, I limit myself to contributions that expire on the following day.

In order to increase the chance of additional votes, the "call to vote" appears in the morning whenever it works.

When creating the overview, I make sure that it really only contains contributions that have involved a certain amount of effort. These can be competitions, Actifit reports or scientific papers. Even if I unfortunately don't have enough time to examine every post in detail for its content, I take a quick look at the scope and presentation.

Today I focused on posts whose current value is below $ 1.50. Of course, it is in the eye of the beholder which article is valuable and deserves a higher reward, but a little support for everyone who breathe life into this chain should be included and in the interests of all of us.

So please take a moment, click your way through the posts, and let an upvote jump here and there. Many Thanks!

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@raifuset thank you for helping us to translating the post,there are so many great post that are written in other languages,such initiative from you will help english readers like me.

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Yeah you are greatly welcomed

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Alright sir/ma how is your weekend going?

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Yes my weekend is going smooth

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I am excited to hear that @raifuset

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Alright that is fine though,how is your weekend going?

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My weekend is going well and yours?

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