A Fractal Larch Tree, in Autumn Splendor

Fractal Autumn Larch.png

Most people do not know that conifers -- of which we know pines, cypresses, and redwoods best -- have relatives that also turn colors and shed their needles in the fall.

Among these is the larch, which turns brilliant gold and bronze in the fall ... a beautiful one is just past the Panhandle in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. However, since the quarantine began I have not been much in the park ... too many people, having no other place they can go, and too many of those not wanting to take the necessary precautions...

... but with Apophysis 2.09, my fractal art program, I can recall my favorite larch and share its unique beauty -- a conifer in its autumn splendor!


I posted a picture of some real western larches here! I'm sorry you weren't able to go visit your favorite tree in person this year.

And this is how I see autumn)

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Most impressive ... Autumn powered up in fractal form!