Lets learn about bullying from other kids - Video lesson for kids

in Education4 years ago (edited)

Have you ever been bullied? Or are you maybe the bully? I hope not....



Being bullied is difficult and it can make you feel very sad. You are not the only one that goes through this. There are many other kids as well.

We need to learn to stand up for one another, especially those who cannot stand up for themselves. We also need to trust an adult which will help us if something like this happens to us.

If your friends do not help you when you are bullied or maybe also help with the bullying, they are not your true friend.


Lets have a look at the video where other kids talk about their experiences and answer the questions that follows.

  1. Why does the first girl not get bullied?
  2. Name two times how kids were bullied.
  3. What does it mean to be a servant for somebody?
  4. How can you stand up to bullies?
  5. Why do you think children will bully other children?
  6. Do you feel sorry for bullies?
  7. Why is it good to ignore bullies?
  8. Are you different than other kids?
  9. Have you ever been bullied?
  10. Have you ever bullied somebody?

Be true to yourself. DO NOT CHANGE for anybody. You are unique and if people cannot accept it, it is their problem.

Watch the story on how you can learn to love yourself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7G2QQ1XgnY

You are worth too much to allow anybody to make you feel anything less...