Group 23 Thematic KKN Students Train Computer Programs for Pase Islamic Private Middle School Students |

in Educationlast year

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Microsoft Word is an application made by Microsoft that functions as a word processor application, such as making reports, making mailing labels, and so on.

Microsoft Word is of course very useful for everyday life in today's modern times. One of the targets from the Thematic KKN Group of 23, namely Pase Islamic Private Middle School Students. Which of course is very useful for them in the future, such as when entering the world of college or the world of work.

This socialization on the use of Microsoft Office Word was carried out on January 24-25 2023. This activity was also attended by all members of the 23 Thematic KKN Group and accompanied by one of the teachers from the Pase Islamic Private Middle School, Mrs. July.

"I would like to thank the Thematic KKN brothers and sisters for helping children here to learn Microsoft Word for free, and hopefully it will be useful for them in the future," said July.

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Mahasiswa KKN Tematik Kelompok 23 Latih Program Komputer Bagis Siswa SMP Swasta Islam Pase

Microsoft Word merupakan salah satu aplikasi buatan Microsoft yang berfungsi sebagai aplikasi pengelola kata (word processor), seperti pembuatan laporan, membuat label surat, dan sebagainya.

Microsoft Word tentunya sangat berguna bagi kehidupan sehari-hari di zaman modern saat ini. Dengan salah satu target dari Kelompok 23 KKN Tematik yaitu Siswa/i SMP Swasta Islam Pase. Yang tentunya sangat berguna bagi mereka kedepannya seperti saat memasuki dunia perguruan tinggi atau dunia kerja.

Sosialisasi penggunaan Microsoft Office Word ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 24-25 Januari 2023, Kegiatan ini juga di hadiri oleh seluruh anggota Kelompok 23 KKN Tematik dan di dampingi salah satu guru dari sekolah SMP Swasta Islam Pase yaitu ibu July.

"Saya mengucapkan banyak terimakasih kepada Abang-abang Kakak-kakak KKN Tematik sudah membantu anak-anak disini untuk belajar Microsoft Word secara gratis, dan semoga berguna untuk mereka ke depannya," ucap July.

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