La tecnología en el sistema educativo venezolano. / Technology in the Venezuelan educational system.

in Education3 years ago


La tecnología es una de las ciencias que más aportes realiza al desarrollo de la humanidad, es casi imposible que la tecnología no esté presente en nuestro entorno. En la educación la tecnología juega un papel fundamental ya que ambas forman el equipo perfecto para un mejor proceso de aprendizaje, en estos tiempos de pandemia se ha visto como la tecnología y la educación han afianzado sus lazos pues ha sido imperiosamente necesario aplicar un sistema de educación a distancia producto de los efectos del COVID-19.

Technology is one of the sciences that contributes the most to the development of humanity, it is almost impossible that technology is not present in our environment. In education, technology plays a fundamental role since both form the perfect team for a better learning process. In these times of pandemic, it has been seen how technology and education have strengthened their ties since it has been imperiously necessary to apply a distance education system as a result of the effects of COVID-19.

En algunos casos la mala planificación tecnológica y educacional ha hecho que los resultados de un sistema de aprendizaje a distancia no sea el más esperado, muchos centros educativos les ha tocado que improvisar para poder adaptarse a esta situación y esa improvisación es la que hace que se vea afectado significativamente el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje a distancia. Al no contar con las herramientas tecnológicas requeridas y no tener una visión clara de lo que se quiere hacer perjudica un sistema de aprendizaje muy provechoso como lo son los estudios a distancia.

In some cases, poor technological and educational planning has meant that the results of a distance learning system have not been the most expected, many educational centers have had to improvise in order to adapt to this situation and this improvisation is what has significantly affected the distance teaching and learning process. Not having the required technological tools and not having a clear vision of what you want to do, damages a very profitable learning system such as distance learning.

Por ejemplo en Venezuela la llegada de la pandemia obligo al Estado venezolano a tener que cerrar los centros educativos en todos sus niveles y asumir un proceso de educación a distancia, en un alto porcentaje los centros educativos venezolanos no estaban preparados tecnológicamente ni culturalmente para afrontar esta situación, es por ello que los directores o responsables de los centros educativos se vieron en la imperiosa necesidad de tener que improvisar para poder cumplir con las directriz de impartir clases a distancia.

For example in Venezuela the arrival of the pandemic forced the Venezuelan State to close the educational centers at all levels and to assume a process of distance education, in a high percentage the Venezuelan educational centers were not prepared technologically or culturally to face this situation, that is why the directors or those responsible for the educational centers were in the urgent need to have to improvise in order to comply with the directive to teach at a distance.

El estado venezolano desde hace bastante tiempo viene realizando una importante inversión tecnológica en el sector educativo, la entrega de equipos tecnológicos (CANAIMAS) a estudiantes y docentes en todos sus niveles educativo del sector publico hizo un poco más fácil la implementación de estudios a distancia, pero esto se vio afectado por la falta de cultura sobre esta modalidad de estudio y la decadencia de los servicios de internet y electricidad por la cual atraviesa Venezuela.

The Venezuelan state has been making an important technological investment in the educational sector for quite some time, the delivery of technological equipment (CANAIMAS) to students and teachers at all educational levels of the public sector made the implementation of distance studies a little easier, but this was affected by the lack of culture on this mode of study and the decline of Internet and electricity services through which Venezuela is going through.

En los actuales momentos la tecnología y la educación han estrechado aún más sus lazos y se han convertido en un solo equipo, pero deben dar el paso final para poder realizar una transformación digital exitosa. La digitalización del sistema educativo es una necesidad que está presente y los centros educativos deben iniciar de inmediato una transformación en su planificación tecnológica para no perder su competitividad y calidad académica, ahora bien esta transformación tecnológica no debe estar deslindada de la realidad que vive el sistema educativo venezolano.

At present, technology and education have become even closer and have become a single team, but they must take the final step in order to make a successful digital transformation. The digitization of the educational system is a necessity that is present and the educational centers must immediately start a transformation in their technological planning in order not to lose their competitiveness and academic quality, but this technological transformation must not be detached from the reality that the Venezuelan educational system lives.

Referencia Consultada / Reference Consulted

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It is true that technology and education go hand in hand. And most countries who were already technologically advanced had no problem forming ties with their educational system in a bit to promote the distance learning

But then I am sorry that the case wasn't the same for the Venezuelan, as they were not technologically prepared for the bridge that the pandemic brought to their educational system

But I am glad that they are putting the necessary things in place for a better educational setting with the help of technology

Greetings @edystringz, the pandemic really showed the weak side of our educational system as far as technology is concerned, but for sure efforts are being made to correct this situation.

Thanks for your comment.

the pandemic really showed the weak side of our educational system as far as technology is concerned, but for sure efforts are being made to correct this situation.

And this is the part I am happy about. The fact that you guys are putting in the effort to correct the situation. Kudos to all of you

Thanks for your comment.

You're welcome, sir.

Good day, dear!

Your post has captured my attention, big time! Since the beginning, technology and education always go hand in hand (whether it's traditional or advanced). This pandemic has brought enough amount of struggles already to administrators, teachers, students and parents. Here in our country, dear, we also experienced the same problem in implementing this new educational system. Our culture is not prepared for this too and we also lack the resources. I agree with you that our higher authorities must work closely to address this concern because we never know when this pandemic would end. I guess, for our next school year, we will still implement the same educational system (which may also differ from places to places).

Right now, I'm just crossing my fingers, hoping that tomorrow when I open my eyes, everything will be back to normal --- to normal life that we had experienced before.

Thank you for this article. This is such a good read.

Greetings @morken, GOD willing and all this will be over soon so we can get back to normal and as you indicate this new school year will surely also take place at a distance as this pandemic issue continues to grow.

Thanks for your comment.