What pollutes the air in cities and takes away our health?

in Education3 years ago

The first place belongs to automobiles. Just watch out for the departing truck or bus - these black clouds of smoke will be in your lungs the next second, as soon as you breathe.


Every year, diesel buses alone release 1600 tons of nitrogen oxides and 1400 tons of hydrocarbons into the air of the capital. Due to the large number of cars, the concentration of ammonia in large cities is on average 2-3 times higher than the norm. So don't be surprised that sometimes you can't smell the trees on the streets.

Is it possible to protect yourself and your loved ones from the influence of polluted air?

You can buy organic food, drink purified water, but we cannot protect our lungs, because the air we breathe cannot be bought anywhere. It's free, but the same for everyone.

Polluted air causes many diseases. Dangerous for the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, especially for children. Constant breathing in such an environment with an excess of 5 MPC reduces immunity and disrupts the physical development of the child's body, leads to chronic diseases (bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, vitamin deficiencies, etc.).

What is the solution?

It is already difficult to give up a comfortable car or a gas stove, but modern cleaning technologies solve this problem. A home air purifier will remove dust, harmful chemicals, and even bacteria and viruses.

Almost everyone understands the danger of air pollution, but they continue to burn plastic bottles and other materials contained in furniture waste and food containers.

The signs and consequences of the effects of air pollutants on the human body are manifested mainly in a deterioration of general health: headaches, nausea, a feeling of weakness appear, and the ability to work is reduced or lost.


The largest amount of pollutants enters the human body through the lungs. In fact, most researchers confirm that every day from 15 kg of inhaled air, more harmful substances enter the human body than with water, with food, with dirty hands, through the skin. At the same time, the respiratory tract is the most dangerous. Due to the fact that:

  • The air is polluted by the widest range of harmful substances, some of which can intensify the harmful effects on each other.

  • Pollution, which enters the body through the respiratory tract, bypasses a protective biochemical barrier such as the liver; as a result, its toxic effect is 100 times stronger than the effect of pollutants that penetrate through the gastrointestinal tract.

  • The assimilation of harmful substances that enter the body through the lungs is much greater than that of pollutants that enter with food and water.

  • It is difficult to hide from air pollutants: they affect human health 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

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