It has come to my attention through my Linkedin Feed today and through this Reddit link that there are bunch of free textbooks by the Springer textbook publishing company.
This link mentions contains information on Springer's open access books. (Screenshot below)
This link with a search tool contains open access books from computer science and education.
Statistics, probability, data science books that I may want to look into further are these:
- Time Series Analysis With Applications in R
- Introductory Statistics With R
- Elements Of Statistical Learning (Version before Daniela Witten)
- Introductory Time Series With R
- Data Analysis
Statistical and Computational Methods for Scientists and Engineers - Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis
With Exercises, Solutions and Applications in R - Brownian Motion, Martingales, and Stochastic Calculus
- Bayesian Essentials With R
You should look into That's an entire platform for free textbooks under Creative Commons license.
Never heard of this site. I'll look into this. Thank you very much.