Informe de curación / Curation report (@edu-venezuela) # 32

in Education4 years ago


Bienvenidos al informe de curaduría de @edu-venezuela

Welcome to the curatorial report of @edu-venezuela

Usa la etiqueta #edu-venezuela, únete a #hive-122108 que es nuestra comunidad beta en Hive. Encuentrala aqui.

Use the hashtag # edu-venezuela, join #education which is our beta community on Hive. Find it here

Selected Posts / Publicaciones Seleccionados

1. Adama's market trip ends him in Police Station: Reading Comprehension

2. Listening test for 4-5 year olds

3. It's time to clean house!

4. I can read a story - Worksheet for little ones - The escape

5. Comprehensive Reading: The New Hat and the Tree Run Run!


@edu-venezuela @educationhive INVITA cordialmente a toda la comunidad Venezolana, a participar activamente en nuestra comunidad educativa hive-122108 .

@edu-venezuela and @educationhive INVITE, cordially, the entire Venezuelan community, to participate actively in our educational community hive-122108.