Informe de curación / Curation report (@edu-venezuela) # 83

in Education3 years ago

Bienvenidos al informe de curaduría de @edu-venezuela

Welcome to the curatorial report of @edu-venezuela

Use el hashtag #edu-venezuela, únase a #hive-122108, que es nuestra comunidad beta en Hive. Encuéntrelo aquí.

Use the hashtag #edu-venezuela, join #education, which is our beta community on Hive. Find it here

Publicaciones seleccionadas / Selected publications

1. Cálculo fraccionario, un problema de orden arbitrario


2. Some effective ways to tackle poverty


3. Expository composition on dog


4. The Ultimate Guide To Getting Rid of Boredom From Attending Online Classes


@edu-venezuela @educationhive INVITA cordialmente a toda la comunidad venezolana a participar activamente en nuestra comunidad educativa hive-122108.

@ edu-venezuela and @educationhive cordially INVITE the entire Venezuelan community to actively participate in our educational community hive-122108.