About Race For Kids

in Education4 years ago

The opinion of kids about the differences of races may be different from adults.

Kids were given a chance to share their honest feedback on racial and social issues that was collated in the ‘Kids On Race The Hidden Picture’.

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Kids were asked about social and racial issues after being shown two pictures to ignite their personal perception that can exhibit their opinion about racial issues.

For six-year-old African Americans, they had positive opinion about relationship among different races but the positive opinion changes for kids who were thirteen years old.

From optimistic to negative as age increases. This could have been caused by greater awareness of their differences especially when white parents told their children to avoid black students.

There were black students who were bullied by the white students unfairly.

The adults may be the ones that really needed to change their attitude in accepting people from other races. Their right attitude can really make a difference in educating their children to accept everyone just the way they are.

As a teacher, racial harmony is an important aspect of education that cannot be neglected.

In my country, racial discrimination is a serious offence and one can face serious issue with legal issue.

Our kids must learn to accept one another without the labelling of white or black as everyone is important and must be treated equally in this society.