Let your light shine to help others

in Education4 years ago

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One day a teacher told his class the following story:

Several men were trapped inside a cave by mistake.  It was so dark that they couldn't see anything.  After a while, one man managed to light up a candle.  This one lit candle did not provide a lot of light, but with the one candle burning, he was able to light another candle and so on.  It wasn't long before all the candles were lit and they could see everything in the cave. 

We can use this little story in our own lives. Our own lights do not provide enough light, but by working together and sharing we can help others to see the light.  There are so many people struggling in today's life, just by helping one person, you might inspire someone to help someone else. 

This will cause a chain reaction and people will start helping each other.  

We only have one life, and if we don't live it to the fullest it is one life lost. Sometimes life can be difficult and there are many obstacles to overcome. With the support and help from others, we can overcome anything. 

Let your little light shine so that others can see!


Love it ! Can't agree anymore we must uplift one another and share the positive energy to make the world a better place

Thank you for reading @bitcoinman! I aspire to inspire! Ha ha

Love this, and this is the problem of this world being our brothers keeper.