Challengedac Account Hive Delegation Coming Soon + Challengeeos App Version 5 Is Out

in ChallengeEOS4 years ago


Hello Beautiful People Of Hive,

I trust we are all doing great and also feeling strong amidst the pandemic. We will all get past it you know, It's just a matter of time. We the executive members of the @challengedac team must say we appreciate all our supporters for all their effort supporting our platform so far. Watch out for our next post as we will be getting Hive delegation to support our community members on Hive.

Challengeeos App Version 5 has finally been released so you all can now go to Google PlayStore or AppStore and download the latest version of our app. Challengeeos App is an app that allows users to send and receive challenges. A player sends a challenge to another player asking them to show up at a location and claim real time crypto rewards or show up at a location and complete a task. Our local cryptocurrency is called CHL which is available on Newdex, Bitsonic,Okex and CoinGecko exchanges. Tokens used for payment purposes are CHL, SAND, DAPP, EETH,SENSE tokens.

The new Version of our App comes with amazing features like task challenges, comment section, email verification, vote feature, adjustment of radius when setting up challenges, bonus wheel and a brand new user interface.


Download the Challengeeos Version 5 App here:)
For Android Users:

For iOS Users:

chl app.jpg
Visit for more details

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We should see EOS Kanda added on @challengedac by @ceskam anyday now for the next update whn that gets released I HOPE hah he already agreed in private , it shouodnt be an issue.... he would have added KANDA earlier im pretty sure if ut wasnt telos.... but now we have an eos peg as well

Posted from Telokanda Hive Dapp