New Normal Requires Discipline (Bilingual)

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Since Indonesia has relaxed its social restrictions, the number of positive people in Covid-19 has increased. Patients who are exposed to the corona virus are evenly distributed in all cities, so many who doubt the application of new normal in Indonesia will succeed.

WHO also said that Indonesia was not ready to implement new normal. Doubt is indeed proven if you see an increase in the number of patients every day. When social restrictions were still imposed, when the mall was closed, when transportation facilities were limited, positive patients averaged hundreds every day.

However, when new normal was implemented, the average increase in positive patients was above one thousand every day, with the highest positive number of 1,331 people. As of Sunday, June 30, 2020, the number of positive patients was 56,385, 2,876 died, and 24,806 were cured. Patients were first announced on March 2, 2020 then.
An increase in the number of positive patients is also related to the high number of citizens undergoing tests. The number 1,293 which was stated positive on Sunday, 30 June 2020, was obtained after the Indonesian government examined 21,515 specimens every day. The total specimens examined by the government to date are 803,898 specimens out of 477,318 people. That is, one person can be taken more than one specimen for examination.

In addition to the increase in specimens, it must be admitted that the increase is also related to the undisciplined Indonesian people in undergoing new normal. The use of masks in the crowd, maintaining physical distance, and handwashing habits are still considered trivial.
A low level of discipline can be seen in every raid conducted by the Covid-19 Task Force in each city. There are always residents who don't use masks for various reasons. It is this health protocol violation that can cause new normal to be threatened with failure in Indonesia.

Many residents were also dishonest when questioning. It can be seen from the conversation of a number of regional heads in Indonesia with medical officers. Many patients are not honest in revealing their track record. Residents who have a history of traveling to the city that entered the Red Zone, but claimed to have never been there.

It is this dishonesty that causes medical officers and the government in Indonesia to have difficulty mapping the cluster of virus spread.
For this reason, socialization must be continue. To building a new culture in a new normal situation is not easy. Not Indonesia only, even in developed countries, violations of health protocols still occur frequently so that the number of positive patients is far greater.[]

Image source: 1, 2, 3


New Normal Butuh Kedisiplinan

Sejak Indonesia melakukan kelonggaran pembatasan sosial, jumlah orang yang positif Covid-19 semakin banyak. Pasien yang terpapar virus korona merata di semua kota, sehingga banyak yang menyangsikan penerapan new normal di Indonesia akan berhasil.

WHO juga menyebutkan Indonesia belum siap menerapkan new normal. Keraguan itu memang terbukti jika melihat peningkatan jumlah pasien setiap hari. Ketika pembatasan sosial masih dilakukan, ketika mal masih tutup, ketika sarana transportasi beroperasi terbatas, pasien yang positif rata-rata berjumlah ratusan setiap hari.

Namun ketika new normal diberlakukan, rata-rata peningkatan pasien positif di atas seribuan setiap hari, dengan jumlah positif tertinggi 1.331 orang. Sampai Ahad, 30 Juni 2020, jumlah pasien yang positif 56.385 orang, 2.876 meninggal dunia, dan 24.806 dinyatakan sembuh. Pasien pertama kali diumumkan pada 2 Maret 2020 lalu.

Peningkatan jumlah pasien positif juga terkait dengan tinggi jumlah warga yang menjalani tes. Angka 1.293 yang dinyatakan positif pada hari Minggu, 30 Juni 2020, didapatkan setelah pemerintah Indonesia memeriksa 21.515 spesimen setiap hari. Total spesimen yang sudah diperiksa pemerintah hingga saat ini adalah 803.898 spesimen dari 477.318 orang. Artinya, satu orang bisa diambil lebih dari satu spesimen untuk pemeriksaan.

Selain peningkatan spesimen, harus diakui peningkatan itu juga berkaitan dengan belum disiplinnya masyarakat Indonesia dalam menjalani new normal. Penggunaan masker di keramaian, menjaga jarak fisik, dan kebiasaan mencuci tangan masih dianggap sepele.
Tingkat kedisiplinan yang rendah bisa dilihat dalam setiap razia yang dilakukan Satgas Covid-19 di setiap kota. Selalu saja ada warga yang tidak menggunakan masker dengan berbagai alasan. Pelanggaran protokol kesehatan inilah yang bisa menyebabkan new normal terancam gagal di Indonesia.

Banyak warga juga tidak jujur ketika pemeriksaan. Itu terlihat dari percakapan sejumlah kepala daerah di Indonesia dengan petugas medis. Banyak pasien yang tidak jujur dalam mengungkapkan rekam jejaknya. Warga yang memiliki riwayat perjalanan ke kota yang masuk Zona Merah, tetapi mengaku tidak pernah ke sana.

Ketidakjujuran inilah yang menyebabkan petugas medis dan pemerintah di Indonesia kesulitan memetakan klaster penyebaran virus.
Untuk itulah, sosialisasi harus terus dilakukan. Membangun budaya baru dalam situasi new normal tidak mudah. Jangankan di Indonesia, di negara-negara maju pun, pelanggaran protokol kesehatan masih sering terjadi sehingga jumlah pasien positif jauh lebih banyak.[]