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RE: Day 334 awaiting the next offensive.

in Deep Diveslast year

Lololol! Yeah this is me crying, with laughter at your idiot narrative. LOL!

Who can forget the hilarious idiocy of 'tHe bRaVeRy oF gErMaN sHePhErD" also. But do keep bemoaning that Russia is crumbling after all you have no qualms with declaring yourself an authority on 'regime change' by virtue of being 'American'. Lolololol!

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Indigenous American. Get it right crybaby.

What's going to happen when you're drafted... Lol only traitors and cowards don't defend the motherland on the front line.

Or is it they turned you away because you are incapable?...

Just wait until those Bradley's and strikers show up and start liquidating the Russian army.

Watch the southern offensive take Crimea.