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RE: Day 336 & 123,080 kia. USA to send 31 Abrams tanks for Ukraine!

in Deep Diveslast year

50-year-old vehicles are being pulled out of storage as Russia needs the equipment.

Yep that's right just because you can't adequately produce enough equipment we might as well just pull it out of the museums. Just like any first world military I am sure that somewhere military doctor and says that we've got a bunch of equipment from the Cold war we press into service oh wait. We don't have any of that equipment anymore because we've decommissioned it and moved on to more important quality equipment. I can only imagine the massive amount of service and maintenance that all of this equipment is going to demand before it is serviceable enough for battlefield. Incredibly watching museum pieces getting shipped to the front lines is pretty scary. It's as if there isn't enough equipment for the invasion of Ukraine to continue.

Lolol the irony, first this is more uncoroborated ukraine claims, they claimed Russia was out of ammo, they claimed Russia was mobilizing again, now they are running out of tanks, or whatever "equipment" is.