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RE: Hive's centralisation problem

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Decentralisation cannot come at the expense of performance and staying power, taking a snapshot of any project you can claim centralisation. I am not saying what you list here is not true, they are, are there concerns, yes, but we can't make less decentralisation the enemy of good.

Is the ecosystem more robust than most of web 2.0 yes I would say so? Is Bitcoin the so-called most decentralised network, decentralised? some would say yes, some would say no. I don't like to get into this debate because you can always move the goal posts.

and I also would like to see more solutions put forward, lets say the cloud flare one, what options are there apart from their centralised competition at this moment that's going to provide the same speed, security and cost structure, then you can evaluate is the decentralisation to a other centralised service or using a fully decentralised service the best for the products direction or is it just lip service for look how decentralised we are as a project


Yeah, we can point fingers but getting to solutions or options is what we need.

"You can also encourage @ecency, @blocktrades, @leofinance, and @peakd to drop Cloudflare and use something else, preferably making sure they're not using the same thing everyone else is using"

Yeah I read that but what are the options lol. I don’t know them since I have never hosted anything. They might but that’s no guarantee.

You clearly don't understand the seriousness of the attack vectors he noticed with how politicized free speech has been.

Its not worth using this platform whatsoever ever if it is bias on the net neutrality debate, not sure how you use the logical fallacy of buttons core to compare to hive, but DPOS and SHA-256 mining are very different.

Lol so plan for a tsunami when no one even knows these sites exist? I mean really, torrent sites have been doing the whack-a-mole run around for ages, if people want the content you can always move it

I am saying there is something, drastically different, about the fundamental logic we use in our individual and unique circumstances.

Reference to what I am referring to.