Zionism - Face of Evil: A Pattern of Illegal Israeli Colonization, Ethnic Cleansing & War Crimes (documentary)

in Deep Dives3 years ago (edited)

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From the Great March of Return in 2018 to the current wave of Palestinian resistance, from Khan al-Amar to Sheik Jarrah, and from the Nakbah of 1948 to the 2021 11-day war on Gaza, the pattern of unprovoked Israeli aggression, illegal occupation, colonial settler expansion and ethnic cleansing remains the same. From the murder of unarmed children by Israeli snipers to the indiscriminate bombing of civilian homes and infrastructure in Gaza, from the forced displacement of families in occupied Jerusalem to the annexation of the West Bank, and from the bulldozing of entire Bedouin villages in 'Israel' to the carpet bombing of the Gaza Strip, the Zionist war crimes and acts of terrorism are innumerable and ongoing with international western support and sanction.

From 1948-2021, the Zionist entity has always been the face of evil. It's time the world realizes that Israel will never allow there to be any viable 2-state solution, the only solution and path to peace in the region is the dismantling of the 72-year old Israeli 'state' and end of the illegal occupation of Palestine and crippling military blockade of Gaza. Palestinian resistance is not terrorism, it is the right of an occupied people as recognized under international law to engage in armed struggle against an occupier.

Boycott Israel. Pray for Gaza. Stand for justice. Work for peace. #FreePalestine

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