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RE: Banana Cartels Part (1) | Deep Dives 19

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Well that's a piece of history I knew nothing about. Typical CIA spook BS, deny involvement in a conspiracy to depose a democratically elected leader and government, later admitted under the guise of "fighting evil" while it's all about "national interest", i.e. money and keeping the flow of resources (oil, bananas, etc.) into the imperial homeland. Same routine over and over, history repeats.

I think you are missing a dollar amount here:

Based on United Fruit's own tax filings which valued the company's land holdings at ($ per acre),


Thanks for catching that!
I had to track it down but I found the the price per acreage.
There might be a few other mistakes in here. I need to go over it again asap to clean it up.

Happy to bring you a new story of gov/CIA/corporate corruption and criminal activity. You're absolutely right, this operation sets the stage for future regime change operations spearheaded by the intel community to protect 'national interests' / 'national security' / etc.
The operations evolve with whatever commodity is the most lucrative at the that particular time: Bananas -> Minerals -> Oil -> Data


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