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RE: Coronavirus Hoax on Trial [eng/срп] Коронапревара на суђењу

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Your prognosis, that the class action will fail as well, that the destructive power of the "other side" will prevent such a good becoming... Could it also be a wish, is there the possibility, that it might come true, that even more law will be broken?

It is certaily not my wish, @erh.germany. It is simple reasoning: Would the powerful people behind this hoax allow to be taken peacefully to the court and tried? All while we can see that they have enough power to destroy whole states.

Thank you very much for your support and feedback.


Thank you, you are welcome.

Would the powerful people behind this hoax allow to be taken peacefully to the court and tried?

I don't know. But the possibility is there. I plead for open-ends and not predict the future. Though I violate my own plead often enough. I think it's dangerous to become fatigued or overly pessimistic because all the powerful read also the Internet and what is written. They are people with flesh on their bones and people who are afraid or over concerned about overpopulation and climate change and what not. I guess, the powerful are actually the more frightened ones.