The True Efficacy of Covid ‘Vaccines’ [eng/срп] Истинска ефикасност ковид ‘вакцина’

in Deep Dives3 years ago (edited)

Ovo uistinu morate čuti. Europska medicinska agencija ugrožava zdravlje građana.mp4_snapshot_00.56.299.jpg

If you have followed the numbers set by Bloomberg’s pan(ick)demic headquarters from John Hopkins University, you must have noticed a fairly simple ‘paradox’: In 2020, without vaccination, there were 1,826,917 alleged victims of the virus, or 0.0233% Mass vaccination began in mid-December 2020, and the longer it lasts – the more victims there is!

In early July, Bloomberg’s panic headquarters ‘celebrated’ a round of 4 million alleged victims, or about 2,200,000 in six months with vaccination. Despite the gruesome results of the ‘vaccination’, the corporate media do not give in to criminal propaganda. At the same time, new studies are emerging that are reluctant to diminish the propaganda ‘effectiveness’ of vaccines. All of them, according to the manufacturer, were over 95% efficient, so that we can now get new data: .

Pfizer – 56% effective from 14 days after first dose, 87% effective after two doses.

AstraZeneca – 67% effective from 14 days after first dose. Not enough data for two doses.

Moderna – 72% effective from 14 days after first dose. Not enough data for two doses.

Unfortunately, all these ‘tests’ without enough data and boastful statements from the manufacturers are uncritically transmitted by the corporate media. And they never, ever publish the method of determining the effectiveness that has always been used in the testing of newly produced vaccines. But that method, with a comparison of the group that was given the vaccine and the group that was given a placebo, is mentioned by the independent Croatian member of the European Parliament, a Judge by profession, Mislav Kolakušić. In a short speech that lasts only a minute, he reveals the true ‘effectiveness’ of vaccines. For the English language speakers, the translation of his speechs is below the video:

Уколико сте пратили бројеве које поставља Блумбергов паничарски штаб са Универзитета Џон Хопкинс, морали сте приметити једноставан ‘парадокс’: У 2020. години, без вакцинације, било је 1.826.917 наводних жртава вируса, или 0,0233% Масовна вакцинација је почела средином децембра 2020, и што дуже траје – жртава је све више!

Почетком јула, Блумбергов паничарски штаб ‘прославио’ је округло 4 милиона наводних жртава, или око 2.200.000 за шест месеци уз вакцинацију. И упркос језивим резултатима ‘вакцинације’, корпоративни медији не попуштају са злочиначком пропагандом. Истовремено, појављују се нове студије које нерадо умањују пропагандну ‘ефикасност’ вакцина. Све су оне по наводима произвођача биле ефикасне преко 95%, да бисмо сад добили нове податке:

Фајзер – 56% ефикасна 14 дана након прве дозе, 87% након две дозе.

АстраЗенека – 67% ефикасна 14 дана након прве дозе. Нема довољно података за обе дозе.

Модерна – 72% ефикасна 14 дана након прве дозе. Нема довољно података за обе дозе.

Нажалост, сва ова ‘испитивања’ без довољно података и хвалисаве изјаве произвођача, корпоративни медији некритички преносе. И никад, баш никад не објављују метод одређивања ефикасности који се одувек користио у испитивању новопроизведених вакцина. Али тај метод, с поређењем групе којој је дата вакцина и групе којој је дат плацебо, помиње независни хрватски заступник у Европском парламенту, Мислав Колакушић. Он у кратком обраћању које траје само минут, открива праву ‘ефикасност’ вакцина. За читаоце са енглеског језичког подручја, превод је испод видеа:

Duration / Трајање: 1:07


Mislav Kolakušić: “Distinguished colleagues, distinguished citizens of the European Union. The EMA (European Medical Agency) has endangered the lives of millions of EU citizens by approving pharmaceutical products as vaccines against the Covid-19 disease without any independent studies. The claims of the vaccine manufacturers were completely uncritically accepted. Furthermore, from these claims alone, it follows that among those who received the vaccine, the percentage of those who did not become ill was between 95% and 98%. However, it is always kept silent that among those who received a placebo, the percentage is only half a percentage point lower. Thus, those who received placebo also did not get sick from 94.5% to 97.5%, which means that the vaccines are only 0.5% effective. Due to that, the lives and health of the citizens must not be endangered. Thanks.”

If you thought the truth would sober up criminals from Big Pharma corporations, you were wrong. They fantasize a lot about the third dose, and permanent vaccinations in the years to come…

Ако сте мислили да ће истина отрезнити криминалце из фармацеутских корпорација, преварили сте се. Они увелико маштају о трећој дози, и сталним вакцинацијама у годинама које долазе…

Never forget Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

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Hello .

What opinion on the Russian IV vaccine and the China ...
Thank you

Greetings from Venezuela

I don’t believe in any flu vaccine, @soy-venezuelien, and this is just a flu. Exactly 40 days ago, first member of my family died after the vaccination. Nobody died of covid-19. Here is my take on Russian vaccine:


This was my small contribution about what happens in our world. It is in the language of Cervantes, but easy to read with online translators. If it provokes you, I invite you to read it and know your opinion. Thanks