Feminism – The brainwashing of the stupid...

in Deep Dives3 years ago

There's nothing in today's world that's contributed so much to the destruction of stable economies, lower standards of living and wages (societal prosperity as a whole), feminism.

Lauded by both the banksters and the marxists alike as 'equality' and 'progress', it's been one of the biggest con-jobs (on both genders) in the entire history of civilization.
Cheap wages and more tax for one side of the political spectrum, and the excuse for division and conflict to gain power , from the other side of the political aisle...


Exhibit A

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Poor bugger, Tony

Exhibit B

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Clever bugger, Toni

Exhibit C

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And then there's feminist , low IQ Toni (with a degree!)

So looking at the reality of what has happened, i.e. the rise of feminism, and the societal changes that have happened since the brainwashing of change in values (home, work and what happiness means), it doesn't take a genius to see that the politicization of the sexes, has served neither sex well.

Feminine strengths have been undermined with every act of legislation (legislation being nothing more than the legal codification of what ,previously, had been negotiations between individuals - whether that be loving couples or simply 'functional' - FUNCTIONING - relationships).

Happiness in the stronger of the sexes has never been lower.
(N.B. ...taking away the physical attributes as a metric, only someone with an IQ under 80 see the male as 'the stronger sex')

The sexes are equals, and have always been equals - if you discount the politicking from the state or church - which are institutions - ones that have always tried to sway perceptions to suit their own agenda's of the day.

How gullible to you have to be to either believe 'the powers that be'- the powers that don't give one single fuck about you and your families well being.
How weak willed do you have to be to follow the crowd in this respect? (and thus, by doing so - supporting the 'logic' presented to you?).

By definition, this societal overview is just that .
An overview.
There are individuals, families - and circumstances that do not fit into this picture, but that doesnt change the reality of things.
The reality of things being, that for over 50 centuries, the family unit, and the allotted roles within that very broad structure, have worked very well.

It has taken less than 1 century to dismantle this natural - and very successful construct (in societal terms).

How can we know this?

Population growth - stopped (never a positive indicator in a successful society)

ALL the metrics of 'happiness' in studies conducted in western countries since the 1950's, have shown a marked decrease (from both sexes).
*While 'happiness' is subjective, it is a reliable indicator of a feeling of a 'successful life'.Having a feeling of 'purpose' rates as one of the most important things contributing to a state of happiness.

Speaking of which....

(and focusing on purely biological realities)

WHAT is the purpose ,of a man?
To procreate, and gather resources to help ensure the success of his genetic line.

WHAT is the purpose ,of a woman?
To procreate, and gather resources to help ensure the success of her genetic line.

This is not human centric, all animals do this.
The Human system of the strong family unit has been in society forever (quite literally).

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How full of your own hubris do you really have have to be, to think that think a few degree holders, and a 'think tank' can socially engineer a better system?
A natural system that's been honed an perfected over millennia?

How stupid - and brainwashed - do you have to be, if you can look around at today's world - at the degradation of the social fabric that hold society itself together - - and think that it's been ' a good idea', somehow ?


How's that 'clever feminism' looking for ya now?

...And on a side note - how insulting is feminism , to women?
Think about it - You are seen as being so weak and pathetic, that you need to turn to an authority (legislation) to feel protected?

How pathetic a person is that ? - irrelevant of gender.


Both sexes - and society has a whole - has been cheated by the 'divide and conquer' strategies.
Strategies that have employed by both sides of the political spectrum - Both 'left' and 'right' are the same power hungry, power loving, authoritarians.
Women have lost, men have lost, and society has lost.

The manipulators however have gotten richer - and now have more power - because of it...
Think about it...

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If you do not get the feeling you've been seriously cheated, (whatever genitals you happen to have) - then you really do need to start educating yourself.


The worker, the man, was never free himself. The division of labour and mass production accelerated the worker's lack of freedom. The craftsmen, if they were free craftsmen and understood their profession, could still recognise the value of their work by going through the entire value-added process, from processing a raw material to the finished piece.

Relative freedom probably existed at such times when people did not monopolise their working day, i.e. did not have ONE full-time occupation, but spent their days working, bartering and socialising. Money was a kind of extra income, but not the main income; life was a mixture of barter, self-sufficiency and consumption.

Money could only be used for things that one could not otherwise produce oneself or obtain from the nearby environment. Such coexistence also only works in smaller communities, I suppose.

Mass production is by its nature a centralised affair and by the time women got "their equal rights", centralised societies and the separation of powers had long existed in large civilisations. Such equal rights would already be a far-fetched idea in self-sufficient communities, because the work that comes naturally to each person when he or she is responsible for his or her own life does not need a debate on "justice"; it is naturally oriented towards visible needs and talents. In simple societies, even in working-class circles, women have always been of equal value to men, because the question of wealth and how it would be distributed between the sexes, or of income, has never arisen, simply because both men and women have not had any income worth mentioning. Both were poor in money but "rich" in labour.

It is therefore not surprising that the debate on equal rights came from the so-called higher circles, because there the women did not have to work, but also could not do anything else interesting compared to their husbands, who either had an academic job or a political or religious one. Women had no money of their own, no assets of their own, and the fact that they were reduced to childbearing alone and otherwise had no part in the "so important existence" of their husbands must have been a thorn in their side, especially for childless women.

Since there no longer seem to be any predominantly self-supporting communities in modern societies (with a few exceptions) and everyone (is supposed to) live from monopolised careers, this whole feminism debate is basically superfluous and possibly a sign of a lack of education, in which the overall understanding of historical and evolutionary development is rather inadequately conveyed.

The only response of those in power to the criticism that has existed since women started working (estimated from about the end of the 1960s onwards) of not being able to reconcile children and work was the nationwide establishment of day-care centres for children and the expansion of all-day schools. This may have increased the total household income of two people in full employment, but it has reduced the income of the individual.

But why food is so incredibly cheap and housing so incredibly expensive surely has to do with the industrialisation of food (and housing) and the relocation to low-wage countries, which is not appreciated by people who want to see themselves as equals because their "equal right" to participate in the centralised consumption-oriented competitive process is rather illogical, Because wanting "a higher or equal income" while at the same time agreeing to people on the other side of the borders being kept poor, deprived of their land, in order for them in turn to move into mass labour relations, is not seen by such minds.

But such connections can only be understood if one does not have a full-time job with a full-time income, because after a meaningless job in a meaningless company, the evening lethargy sets in.

Well, you can't force anyone to change their life, to voluntarily give up income through wage labour and find alternative sources of income and living together alternatively. But where the state and the corporation are the main employers, of course, so-called feminist minds talk about nothing other than the genders (as colourful as they would like to be) all being treated equally by corporations and states. And that, we see, is what they are getting: total equalisation. The universe fulfils all wishes, doesn't it?

What an excellent comment, sir !

and the fact that they were reduced to childbearing alone

and the fact they were supported to do THE most important job that there is.....
(fixed that part for ya! lol)

Thank you, madam :)


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...and awomen! lololol

I could start a rant and sorry ass writing of great whining about this .
Take the victim stand ,... swallow my balls and do ... exactly what they do , ask for protection .
But no , not my style , and then again , who would feel sorry for a white premises working-class scum bucket like me ;-)

1st note: I heard a woman on an Australian reality show (yes I watched the last episode in the series so I could see what the end result of the challenge was...lol...saved hours of time by skipping all the previous episodes) say, "I can do anything a man can do." I've heard this phrase many times before, but this time, it stood out. I just realized after she said it that every time you say something like, "I can do anything a _____ can do," You've just put _____ on a higher standard than yourself because you're trying to convince others that your as good. If you were as good, you wouldn't have to try to convince others in the first place!

2nd note: If society is ok with a man saying that he identifies as a woman while simultaneously decrying the supporting of stereotypes, they are hypocritical. The moment one gender claims to identify as another gender, they are in fact stating that they think they match the stereotype of that gender, thus prolonging the stereotype they wish to destroy.

You're dead on in your analysis, my friend.

Did you ever see 'the lord of the rings' - the final part?
The part where a 'Nasgul' is about to kill the king, whose stuck under the horse?
Then his daughter gets in between them... (and this little story has nothing to do with the sexes!lol)

...anyways...the nasgul says to the daughter... "never get between a nasgul and his prey" (or something like that).

I liken this to a conversation with idiots.
(the 'mid-wits', specifically.)

"never let logic get between an idiot and their non thinking dogma"

To try and use structured argument, logic , critical thinking -- or even common sense - is an affront to their delusional belief that they're intelligent.
They're so busy trying to force multiple squares to fit into multiple circles, they become mentally ill and suffer said delusions.
(and they become as boring as fuck, in the process).

....I'll try do a post later about this - How to grow on hive: Lesson # 2, the advanced course.)

Those who pay the most is the next generation.

...ain't that the truth !

Thanks @lucylin for the much-needed message!

I'm grateful that I managed to un-learn feminism at a young age, allowing me to not make life choices that I regret.


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Yeah, I've never been one to shy away from grabbing hold of a nettle! lol

I swallowed 'the whole enchilada' for far too many years...Then common sense , logic, and critical thinking, took over.(phew!)

I don't have choices that I regret, but I do know that if those same choices were offered to me now, I would most probably make different decisions..

Yo broskie. look at the chart in this article and note the black bits https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/bangkok-you-may-drink-out-again-next-week/

...the black bits = the seasonal numbers for flu deaths.
It all one big hoax, it doesn't exist.

I know that, you know that but even those who believe have to admit them figures do not justify the draconian measures in Thailand.

Feminism has resulted in the warped idea that a successful woman in today's society is basically a man: full-time employed, provider, eschewing of traditional feminine pursuits, etc.
It's an outgrowth of the egalitarian trend in liberalism: everything, and everyone, is equal. So is man and woman, by consequense.

Of course it's far better to adhere to the traditional nuclear family structure, and to leave this experiment behind.