It's mind trap, Mid-Wit...and you've been.... caught! ....Lets meander...

in Deep Dives3 years ago

We've gone from survival of the fittest, to a tyranny of the weakest.

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To attack a midwit post, would be to admit to being a midwit.
...That's not gonna happen - not unless the psychological pain it causes is so intense it that is unleashes uncontrollable emotions
- thus allowing everyone to see behind the mask...
Anyone attacking it that isn't a midwit, is admitting to being either an higher IQ manipulator, or a low IQ useful idiot.

The Mid-wit is the weakest link, and one that serves to enable 'the tyranny of the weakest' more than most things...

Actually, let me revise that a little - I'm being way too hard on the Mid-wit.

They can be very useful members in society.

In a healthy society.
(the fact that they've contributed it into making into an unhealthy one - more than any other group of individuals - is neither here nor there).

Big ‘J’ had it going on...

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Just so we're clear.
I have nothing against the mid-wit...
...If they knew their place in the scheme of things.
Life would be a lot better for everyone.
And funnily enough, it’s the midwit that would benefit far more than any other group in society fro knowing this !
That is where the problems arises.
A total lack of self awareness.

THIS is where the midwit goes from being a positive in society - to being a total pain in the arse ... and one that makes it hard work for everybody else.

Moving on......

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Arrogance of the powerful comes from the inability of the ‘have-nots’ to hold them accountable.

...Oligarchy is one form of this unaccountable power.

Hive is an oligarchical (plutocratic) system.

‘Power’ on Hive is decided by stake size, nothing more.

Meritocratically orientated systems do not function properly in an oligarchy.

Meritocracy is a system in which economic goods/ services - and/or political power, are vested in individual people on the basis of talent, effort, and achievement, rather than wealth or social class.

For those oligarchs that find themselves in power - and wish to maintain it, the status quo is a default position, and encouraged to continue as such.
Ergo , merit based systems become their natural enemy - as that system is a dynamic one, a forever changing one, and always fluid.
In a meritocratic system, those that are ‘best at the job’ will rise to the top of any given hierarchy – based purely on the fact that they are – guess what?...the best person for that job.

The dynamics operating within a (midwit) oligarchy ensure that merit is either ignored - or even actively quashed towards those with less power.
It's not in the long term interests of 'a mediocre oligarch' to allow talent to flourish as to let it do so, would , at some point, eventually mean being 'overtaken' in the said hierarchy that they currently control .

So, logically speaking - for any oligarch who's in a position of power, to reward individuals based on a system of merit , would actually be counterproductive to maintaining their position in the long run.
It's the equivalent of them putting a gun to their own heads, and then pulling the trigger.
The bullet may take some time to hit the target, but hit the target it would. Sooner or later.

For those mediocre mid-wits who are trying to 'climb the ladder of power' (stake size) – all that they have to do (to ‘get a prize’), is to be mediocre.

All they have to do is to make sure that they don’t 'step on the toes' of anyone higher up in the food chain, 'keep their heads down', and avoid any controversy - and never do anything that makes 'the oligarchical powers that be', think.

This circular, self affirming 'mediocratic structure' is one where talent and passions are thwarted.
‘Being average’ enhances the chances of success within the hive ecosystem.

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When merit based systems are replaced by ‘mediocracies' as 'the standard' to achieve , longevity is rare. (government bureaucracies are a prime example of this, and one that is , unsurprisingly , infected by the midwit mindset).

Which leaves us with a bit of conundrum...

Hive as an ecosystem unto itself.

IF my suspicions (based on evidence of both action and words) are correct , then ‘the midwits’ are in the upper echelons of the hierarchy within the hive ecosystem (not everyone, but enough).
If this is the case...then the hive ecosystem finds itself in a somewhat precarious position.

We all know the story of being the boy who's 'swinging the tiger by the tail', and not daring to let go...(otherwise he’ll be dinner).
As long as the centrifugal force keeps the tiger where it is, everything is fine.
….But nothing lasts forever as we all know, and when that boy DOES finally let go - all hell's gonna break loose…

...As I said on my previous posts – I’m here to profit – and if that means bringing in more and more conformist mid-wit sycophants into 'the hive' - then so be it.
While it's not good for the ecosystem ( long term), it fundamentally changes nothing (except token price).

Power is never given away, except when forced to - from an external source.

‘Pressure’ can take many forms.

" No one can negotiate without the power to compel negotiation."

S. Alinsky Rules for Radicals p.124

In the DPOS system ‘power’ is ‘stake size’ - and with the non meritocratic model that's used in the re-distribution of inflationary rewards, that power base will never change.

There's no perceived incentive for all those involved at the top, to change.

(The midwit , who's not renown for having much vision or imagination, see’s no reason to change. Oh dear. )

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The Hive token price itself, whether it’s higher, lower, or staying the same, doesn’t change this power dynamic.
….HP (hive power) is the only tangible metric on this ecosystem, not the token price.
It has nothing to do with price, and ALL to do with ratio’s of accounts holdings.
(the voting system - with the ability to have multiple anonymous accounts, makes a mockery of the term 'voting and governance..but that's for another post entirely).

You can 'buy in' for more power often said.

This is very true.
But here’s the problem with that one dimensional perspective….What’s the incentive?
....That would mean investing money into an oligarchical (corrupt) system.
Not many thinking people would want to do that in my opinion.

‘Post content and earn rewards’ also said .

This is very true also.
.... but when low IQ, bland, boring drivel, is spewed out - every day - by those who don't have an original thought, spark of creativity , sense of humor - or any fresh perspectives in their heads....and is then rewarded handsomely, just
HOW are those with creativity, passion, and talent , who receive almost nothing by comparison - ever supposed to ‘power up’?

They can’t of course.
Which is the whole fucking point.
The status quo is maintained.

….. and if Mr Midwit is getting $100 a day in upvotes (and powering up) – and Leonardo Da Vinci is doing the same – but with only $5 a day for his original works – the gap between the midwit and the genius, is widening.
There is no 'wider distribution' across the user base.
midwit power up 300 hp, Da Vinci powers up 15 hp.
The ratios - and increased power - are favored towards the direction of the midwit.
This is the opposite direction that it would go if were based on quality, intelligent, original, posts.
....If it were based ON MERIT.

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People of the conformist, fear based, nepotistic midwit mindset - would be downvoting Galileo into oblivion!...

Ffs...Think about it...what does that tell you?...

This illustrates the exact point. ...And the humongous fucking problem.

It’s NOT designed to change, it’s designed to stay exactly the same.
And it’s working just as planned if the metrics of account size and numbers are anything to go by.

Every body acts in their own self interests (no matter was virtue signaling goes on).

We all do.
In Nietzsche–ian terms, we all pursue ‘our will to power’, in our own unique ways - the rest is just window dressing , cloaks of image, used in an attempt to get to whatever 'power' means, to the individual.

So, I’m not blaming anyone here - not the oligarch, not the Midwit, nor anyone else.

I’m looking at the reality, as it is right now. Pragmatism.

The whales, the midwits, and the mediocre, are all doing the same thing….
Which is following what they perceive as, their 'will to power'.

I've been incredibly naive.
Steem , (and now Hive) are the same animal - insofar as the day to day operations are concerned with regards to most users.
Was the hardfork from steem, simply 'a will to power', by those _with power-, dressed up in the cloak of moral and ethical arguments of 'free speech', and 'decentralization?'...
There may be a slightly different hierarchy at the top, and possibly a different sycophant redistribution model, but not a lot has changed.

I came to this platform to create, speak my truth, and produce - and make profit.

I thought that it was a merit based system. (I did say ‘ naïve’, did I not ?).

Those with talent, passion, and desire to express, are at a big disadvantage on this platform.
These qualities are not being rewarded in the same way as sycophancy and ‘being average’, and towing the party line, is.
'Conformity mindsets' and the desire to please 'the authority' are not compatible with passion, courage, and exploring new frontiers.

It’s a loaded game, and the ‘mediocre set’ are taking the lions share of the prizes.
How do we change this?
Or rather, how can we change this?
By force.

Power is never given away, it is always taken.

“ …To attempt to operate on good will, rather than on a power basis would be to attempt something that the world has not yet experienced….”
Alinsky RfR, p. 124

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Oligarchs only use good will to cloak their intent, nothing more.
The future seems clear.
A fork is needed.
Not a hardfork! lol ...a fork to decide a direction in which we're headed..

a) Maintain the status quo, and continue to reward the mediocre sycophants, and try to attract more of them (guaranteeing failure long term, IMO).
I can understand why the Mid-Wit would see this as an acceptable path to take.


b) Change.

….As I eluded to in my last post – I can help in the achieving of that ambition for the oligarch.(option 'a'?)
My own 'will to power' is not represented by the $ signs too much nowadays...(as weird ,and as utterly incomprehensible, as that may seem to those who're desperately addicted to ‘wanting more’... This being one of the characteristics of the midwit) .

Pursuing the strategy of attracting more midwits could be an exceedingly painful one for many on this platform.

Psychologically speaking.

Because to promote the hive platform in it's current form , would be - for me - to promote the most mediocre posts we have – and that comes at a price.

The first one being the cost to my integrity and it staying fully intact.
I can still help achieve these goals if we were to choose to go down that particular road to hell.

How would I do this?
Well, that’s my business for now , but know this… that it will be psychologically painful for many established account holders on this platform.
'No pain, no gain' as they say...

The paragraph above tells you just how bizarre this whole situation is.

Imagine this...

For the top rewarded posters to have their content actively advertised, spread all over the internet - and that action then bringing them considerable psychological pain!

….This would be ecidence of a non merit based, system….. in all it’s glorious, technicolor , action!


....(I like this bit).

We could take the power off the oligarchs.

That’s my business (again, for now) - but know this also - it can be done.

Yes, there will be some kicking and screaming.

No one gives away their power voluntarily.
(not unless you’re called @lucylin , who walked away from a few million $’s - on ‘principle’. ….FFS - what was I thinking?....Poor Saul is turning in his grave, I'm sure... Lol)

Judging from the reactions from accounts over this last four years, I think the fragility of the ecosystem is apparent, if not talked about.

For example - 'They' react very badly to being questioined, mocked, or laughed at.
This is sure sign of weak ego formation and feeling the psychological pain of humor being 'at their’ expense.
The midwit mindset.
Don’t believe me?

...This post (link above) was an easy going, satirically humorous take, on the blandness of hive and how to get ahead in the ecosystem.
This was down voted by a big account – not for plagiarism or spam, but because of the psychological pain that it caused
(or even worse, for money? lol).

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Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals p .132

Alinsky was most certainty not a midwit !!
He had a good sense of humor.
He acknowledged the importance of it - both in terms of psychological health of having a sense of humor (of having laughter in your in your life) , and used as the weapon that it could be.

... and he knew the midwit psychology inside out – He knew what made them tick. (He was fighting against them for most of his life, after all).
I understand his frustrations.
And I also wish that I possessed more of his unwavering ‘pragmatist wisdom’ on life...I'm getting there...

And Hive is gonna help me get there, one way or another.

Interestingly, this attack mentioned above DID work to my advantage.

It illustrated – to perfection - the current bizarre structure, and highlighted the mindsets of those in the higher echelons of the Hive hierarchy.
...The use of naked POWER by the powerful , against the powerless (using ‘HP balance’ as the metric - – it’s the only one there is).


Back to changing things - and how to do it…

It is much simpler than anyone realizes.
It’s never been discussed openly on the pages of steem or Hive, not that I’m aware of or surprised by.
(for very obvious reasons).
And when I say simple, even a midwit could do implement the strategies...(not that they’d ever be so inclined to do so.)

The recent naked abuse of power did indeed turn to my advantage. It focused me. (see yesterdays post)
I’ve spent the last few days working out some strategies.

I even contacted an ex g/f of mine back in the UK, to ask her some things…..
She’s a 'psychopath' - when it comes to business – and has about as many morals as a hungry great white shark circling a cute baby seal.
She rips companies to pieces, and sells them off piecemeal.
It's what she does.
She’s a bitch.
She said that she might come over onto Hive, and open an account....For fun, not a business venture. ( I doubt she will).

If you think that I’m brutal, just wait until/if Steph arrives…!!!!...My god, talk about making mincemeat…

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....Anyway, she gave me her take on things…
She's much better than me at these things. She’s objective, with no skin in the game.
A funny thing that she pointed out to me…(she spent an hour or so reading posts before discussing anything)....…she said ‘ Who the fuck thinks that ‘skin in the game’ gives them more fucking clarity ? Lolol…’

Steph has forgotten more about critical thinking - relative to investing - than I’ll ever know.
It's her passion, not mine.

Going forwards...

Any support from the bigger accounts (the more intelligent and forward thinkers) would be nice - but I'm not expecting anything.

…..I’ll organize this fucking revolution myself.

What shall we call it?

The capitalist collectivist movement? (TCCM....Mmmm....)

I ain’t no commie, and an oligarchical ‘rule by force’, ain’t no capitalism.

....You might be thinking that I'm trying to force a square into a circle with this idea - and you would be correct …but by, jove - I think I may have actually cracked it!
(and credit given, where credit's due - bouncing off Steph made a big difference - even though I haven't actually bounced off her in years . She's one sharp cookie)...

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Time to 'shake this shit' up?

...I never thought I'd see the day as some 'agitating organizer'!
(all very Alinsky-esue!...lolol).
Then again , I never thought I'd be competing day in, day out , for four years , in a game run by - and for - mid-wits...
Let's play a new game?

I’ll leave this post for now - with something Steph said…
“ ...'They' (oligarchs et al) have zero power off the Hive blockchain, and the only power that they have on it , is expressed through upvoting and downvoting….Why the fuck would they ever downvote? ” …..
(ignoring the spam/plagiarism aspect of things - which we’d already discussed)


So many truths in there! Although I still disagree about the skin in the game part.

The plan in motion...

Truths are hard to swallow sometimes.

Disagreeing - or not disagreeing - doesn't change anything.
Perspectives change (distorts objective reality_), when emotions are involved.

Distortion doesn't aid clarity.

Here is an example - when i owned my own bike shop i had skin in the game - if i felt like crap but there was work to be done, i did it. An employee has no skin in the game and is not going to trash their own health like that.

And when I'm watching a crypto, the attention I pay to it is dependent on how much skin i have in that game. On Hive, I'm very interested. On Gab I barely give a toss.

You're confusing things. (you're rationalizing .lol)
'Skin in the game' - in respects to being the motivating ingredient to action,(running a business) is not the really comparable to 'skin in the game', relative to how you see things in 'conceptual models' - financial instruments, etc.

'Skin in the game' isn't a criticism - it's an understanding of how emotions change perceptions, and how decision making can be affected by that change of emotion..

If you had say 1/4 million HP, you might feel like you were walking on egg shells calling out the bullshit and end up behaving differently to how you did paying out on fuckers back on Steemit when you only had 5000SP.

Once you see that autovoting popular shitposts is a license to print money you see why it's being done, and lose the edge to do anything about it. And end up in a dilemma of wanting to see good content encouraged but understanding why it's not.

So I'm told...

It's interesting how these Midwit Power Enclaves seem to self-organize across almost all systems on this planet; governments, corporatocracies, religions, families, Hive...

Steph sounds like an interesting person.

It is indeed an interesting phenomenon - and not just a modern one. (although post war education hasn't helped much)

Steph is.....Steph. (I'm not incriminating myself, I want my jugular intact. lol)