Technologism - (An Anarchist's Poem) Plus a Deep Dive into How Banks and Governments Perpetuate Poverty

in Deep Dives2 years ago (edited)

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What a lot of people don't understand, and why I rarely vote, is that our political system is rigged in regards to important global geopolitical actions, and the massive wealth gaps we see between western nations and most African (and some SE Asian nations).

A lot of western governments maintain the economic disparities between first, second and third world countries in a very calculated way.

Debt slavery is not only the province of vile human traffickers who use this device to enslave migrant workers until they've paid off an often undisclosed amount for smuggling them into the country.

Large banks, backed by governments habitually loan multi-billions of dollars to 'so-called' third world countries, essentially keeping them on a leash in regards to allowing foreign business interests to buy up lands that show the prospect of rich resources such as gold, diamonds or even silicon (which has become essential for the computing and mobile phone industries).

The problem is created by political regimes and exacerbated by financial institutions whose private loans entrench states into long-term servitude, diverting any stream of income they receive to their creditors – wealthy nations and wealthier private institutions. It is quite literally taking from the poor and giving it to the rich – Robin Hood in reverse.

Source: Campaign to end global debt slavery

So why should I care? You might ask... my answer would be where is your compassion? Do you only care about your family and your comfortable existence? Where are your fckn balls to speak out against the criminal appropriation of third-world resources?

I am under no illusions that any amount of me writing about this type of behaviour by governments will make a difference, but if the whole world stood up and said:

NO! We will not accept this behaviour. We will not vote until banks and businesses are held accountable by a strict set of rules based upon a planned strategy to allow, for example, The Congo, to raise their society out of such extreme poverty with their massive deposits of natural resources.

In the same way that war is a business, one in which mainly western economies benefit by selling arms to countries that have a proven track record of instability, then sending in NATO armoured vehicles to show how compassionate and responsible we are as a sensible western civilized society.

The Business of War #1 - Propaganda and Recruitment

Check out the post linked above to read more about the business of war.

Similarly, western banking (sanctioned by the government) plays the same Machiavellian double bluff with their debt slavery. In response to my argument, they would undoubtedly say "We're doing these 3rd world countries a favour to keep them stable and prevent economic collapse."

But here's the kicker... when the third world government isn't able to pay their debts when the banks demand, that's when the Multinational business Jackals descend, buying areas rich in natural resources at a highly competitive rate set by a committee made up of individuals from the companies interested in buying the land and the banks.

The country that owes the billions to the banks has little to no say in this process.

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But, if these third-world countries were mining all of their natural resources by their own state government or local businesses, they wouldn't be a slave to the banks at all as they could sell the resources themselves on the open market without a debt-touting western banking middleman making sure that the poverty balance is maintained in our favour.

Anyway, there is so much research out there on the internet about this subject… and yes even books I’ve read in my local library about the mechanism of how governments maintain poverty that I won’t go into much more detail.

I shall leave you with the poem Technologism which includes some more ideas, and facts about how government blind us all to the awful practices of global debt slavery! These people, politicians and high-level business leaders, don't even see what they're doing as wrong, and it is up to us to make them understand!

P.s. please do listen to the poetry performance at the top of this post as it took me many hours to produce/record, and I think the poem is a more powerful piece read-out as I use rhythmic devices to elicit emotion and improve the impact of the poem.

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Pitiless, unfit for office
sitting sure in judgment.
Sanity Unsure, profanity
as a religion, obscene keratin
shit trickling from their lips,
blood spitting from in between
the business bit that bridles,
the glue binding belief in hatred
represented as the light of truth.

Sour embittered polluters -
business leaders a blight
on tomorrow's chance at a better future.
Hailed as progress, they undress
the third world with their eyes
then proceed to rape it blind.
Enron, BAE systems, Santander,
purveyors of poverty and despair.

Whether weapons for despots,
debt sold in lots as a global gamble
economic wrangle for third world resources.
They sell courses for thought factories,
manufacturing Serotonin
for the collective unconscious.
Selling day-glow dreams, of parasitic scenes
and orgies in a predatory pantheon.
Gods made of fleshy treasure
leveraging the value of how you
Can be bought and measured.

Yes please sir, yes please
squeeze the marrow
from my bones
Sell me idealized prizes
bangles and mobile phones.
Crack my moral code wide
fucking hard-core
defile my mind
with more and more
more and more
illusions of a better life.

Sing me lullabies and comfort me
as you twist the knife.
Until I bleed green
and the sheen
of dollars choke out hope
becoming an inevitability,
life a commodity to exploit.
Drones for clones,
and ideas we are conditioned to follow,
lies swallowed like truth
deep in the bedrock,
down to the bone.

All the while we wonder,
we ponder
                     why we feel so alone?

Thanks for reading 🌿


The images used in this post are all creative commons licence, linked to credit beneath the picture.

The music used in the SoundCloud Reading is by Armageddon by Alexander Nakarada |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

If you have enjoyed this post, please check out my other work on my homepage @raj808.



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Although there are quite a few terms in the blog I fail to understand, I have to say that reading such an article is a big surprise to me.
Your writing reminds me that the great poet is just the social conscience. Yeah, being a common person in the devoloping country(the third world country), I have known all these sufferings more than anyone else. However, I never thought that people from the developed countries can stand up for the poor and the weak, critizing their own government and bank system, explaining how the poorer the poor will be and the richer the rich will be,etc. What kind of spirit is this?It is a great kind of compassion and empathy. I can't help saying to you a big 'Thank you'!

In the bottom of my mind, you are not only a close friend of mine in Hive, but an outstanding writer who belongs to the whole world! I respect you sincerely! Only God knows at this moment how my heart is filled with gratitude and warmth and affection!
You are a big hero! I salute you!

I am under no illusions that any amount of me writing about this type of behaviour by governments will make a difference, but if the whole world stood up and said:

*NO! We will not accept this behaviour.

What a resounding declaration! I am so glad and honored to be the first person to answer your call!


I enjoyed the reading Raj. I've never voted in my life, I don't need to abdicate responsibility to anybody else. Sometimes it feels like I am Mr Cheswick!

I enjoyed the reading Raj. I've never voted in my life, I don't need to abdicate responsibility to anybody else.

I get where you're coming from tbh. As I said in my comment to kaixin above:

Not all anarchists want to burn everything down, some (like me) want people to see the evidence and wake up to what banking and government do hand-in-hand and not vote on mass as that would shatter their finely crafted veneer of democracy. In my view, when there isn't a political party that provides a choice for everyone (crazy peace-loving hippies like me included) then it isn't a true democracy as atrocities, such as 3rd world debt slavery, will continue to happen in everyone's name, if they vote.

At the moment I deface my voting card by drawing a picture of Darth Vader and writing "I'm not voting for the empire."

That is just the way I feel about government I will only get involved voting when they either truly regulate the really big forms of corruption they perpetuate or just stop doing it!

I wrote a post a while ago about the business of war and how various governments are heavily lobbied by arms-producing companies... yet they say 'there is no conflict of interest' trust us. Yeah, right I'll trust the government when pigs fly.

I love Bill Hicks or is it Alex Jones? LOL.

I think I have come to the realisation that the majority of people don't want any self-responsibility and are happy/content with the current system and its belief system. The question for me pertains to why does the control system do what it does? is it for our own good? we couldn't handle the truth? Or is there some ulterior motive?

I think I have come to the realisation that the majority of people don't want any self-responsibility and are happy/content with the current system and its belief system. The question for me pertains to why does the control system do what it does? is it for our own good?

I believe that the control system is a carefully orchestrated thing, or well it was planned at some point a long time back, and now has become an automatic system. It's all about control, and maintaining the issusion that freedom is a commodity that only the rich can have. Hence the american dream 'get rich, get a fast car, get a condo on the beach' all this will make you happy? Nope, it won't. It will help make you less unhappy for a time but only freedom brings true peace.

I have the freedom to write this poem, and their is nothing they can do to stop me 😂 This makes me happy.

I have another similar poem called Moral Mediocrity which I might make a similar video of in the near future.

Thanks again for this great comment convo @mypathtofire

Thanks Raj, it was a fruitful exchange and I can resonate with your thoughts too. Have a great weekend!

Similarly, western banking (sanctioned by the government) plays the same Machiavellian double bluff with their debt slavery.

It seems like everyone is encouraged to be in debt, from teens just starting out, to entire countries!

Well done on the poem :)


It seems like everyone is encouraged to be in debt, from teens just starting out, to entire countries!

Yeah, I'm in the hole for over £10000 for my university education, but I've never earned enough to pass the threshold where I have to pay them back. But yeah, the message (propaganda) all over our media in the UK is 'buy a house, have 2.5 children and settle down' none of which appeals to me.

My goal is freedom, and it is a hard star to shoot for lol

But, I do have the freedom to write this poem, and there is nothing they can do to stop me 😂 This makes me happy.

I have another similar poem called Moral Mediocrity which I might make a similar video of in the near future.

Thanks for listening/reding my poem @wrestlingdesires
and for the token tip 🙂

My pleasure, keep on writing - nobody can stop you 🙌

These are truths that even the people in most Western countries are going to feel very soon. Inflation is already happening and it won't be long till at least some countries will see hyperinflation. Let's just keep printing money guys!

Some years ago, I read this book called: "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" by John Perkins. A friend who wrote a book about the subject, and related subjects (I was the editor for the book) actually spoke to the author. I felt physically sick while reading the book. It wasn't that I didn't know how things were happening when countries were indebted by foreign banks and large corporations, I just didn't have a clue to what extend.
We really don't know anything. Especially if we listen to the mainstream media. They don't tell us what's really going on.

I agree, if we all stand up and say: "No, we don't accept this behaviour." Then things will change. People are funny beings. And sometimes we're too self-absorbed to care.
However, when it comes to our own doorstep, it's a different story.
That's why I feel that everything that's happening now and in these last 3 years or so should be seen not only as a wake-up call but also as a turning point in our new history.
This is the time when things get so bad, get out of control so much, that we can do two things: Nothing, and be swallowed whole, or stand up, and co-create a new world in which everyone prospers. Then, stick those big gov, bank & corporation fuckers on a rocket-ship, with the Titanic playing on a loop. That'll show them. 😆

Thank you for sending me the link to this @raj808, I'm glad there are more people out there like me :)

it won't be long till at least some countries will see hyperinflation. Let's just keep printing money guys!

This is certainly a big problem for sure. And I believe that anyone who holds a decent chunk of BTC is hedging against the chaos. Of course, the other scenario is that money disappears completely as a system with increasing mechanisation, but I think that's 100s if not 1000s of years away if we don't destroy ourselves first 😂

I agree, if we all stand up and say: "No, we don't accept this behaviour." Then things will change. People are funny beings. And sometimes we're too self-absorbed to care.

Yes, people are sheeple for the main part... but they sure as hell don't like it pointing out so I don't use that terminology that often, and I'm certainly not using it to refer to you @misslasvegas

Fear is a great motivator, and governments play on it expertly and especially aimed at those people with kids as they obvs have more to fear in wanting to give their kids the freedoms that they never had.

It's all about control and maintaining the illusion that freedom is a commodity that only the rich can have. Hence the American dream get rich, get a fast car, get a condo on the beach all this will make you happy? Nope, it won't. It will help make you less unhappy for a time but only freedom brings true peace.

I have the freedom to write this poem, and there is nothing they can do to stop me 😂 This makes me happy.

I have another similar poem called Moral Mediocrity which I might make a similar video of in the near future.

This is the time when things get so bad, get out of control so much, that we can do two things: Nothing, and be swallowed whole, or stand up, and co-create a new world in which everyone prospers. Then, stick those big gov, bank & corporation fuckers on a rocket-ship, with the Titanic playing on a loop.

I'm with you on that one. Send the money-grubbers and 'farmers of human misery' off into space to hopefully get prodded, probed and experimented on by aliens 😂 See how they like being uncomfortably shafted for once 🤣

Some years ago, I read this book called: "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" by John Perkins.

P.s. I shall look out for that book. Thanks for the recommendation 👍