Perspectives: A Brief Untold History of the 20th Century

in Deep Dives3 years ago

This is not an attempt to rewrite the history of the 20th century, only to fill in some pieces and connect a few dots that most historians seem to have overlooked. To fully grasp this history in its entirety we must first go back to the early 19th century, specifically the Napoleonic Wars when the Rothschild banking family gained an enormous amount of political influence by shorting British War bonds causing a panic and then buying them back for pennies on the pound. When news of Napoleon’s defeat reached London the price soared giving the Rothschilds almost complete control of the British economy, and with it immense political power.

They were able to pull off this coup because of their own private intelligence service, what was to become the British Secret Service -- MI-5, MI-6, GCHQ, etc. -- which would then go on to include the American CIA and Mossad as subsidiaries, for lack of a better word. Later in the 19th century the Rothschilds established a cabal of international bankers -- Schiffs, Warburgs, J,P. Morgan, and of course their American partners the Rockefellers.

Even before the Napoleonic Wars the Rothschilds attempted to gain control of the fledgling American economy by installing a national bank that they controlled. Rothschild agent Alexander Hamilton was successful in 1791 but when the charter ran out in 1811 it wasn’t renewed. Some historians point to this as the cause of the War of 1812. After several efforts it took until the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 for the Rothschilds and their American agents -- Rockefeller, Morgan, -- to gain a permanent hold on the American economy.

In the early 19th century the Rothschilds also established a private/public partnership with the British government along with the Crown -- the transition from a land-based empire to a financial empire had begun. By the end of WWI Europe there was a transition away from monarchies toward more democratic forms of government, something that had already happened in the UK. Since the 19th century the power of the British empire was beginning to wane so the public-private partnership between the Rothschilds and the British government -- along with the Rhodes/Milner Round Tables -- established London as the financial capital of the world, a title it still holds. London is not only the hub of the globalist financial empire, but the intelligence hub as well. This also established private foundations and NGOs as centers of power with money influencing politics.

The Rhodes/Milner Round Tables were the model for foundation-based political influence giving birth to the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), Tavistock Institute in the UK and the Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Foundation, and Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) among many many others in both the US, UK and around the world, the most famous and influential being the UN.

The Rise of Foundations

In the late 19th and early 20th century we saw the beginning of foundations and NGOs as a method of gaining political influence. Because they could raise large sums for political contributions -- representing the corporations that funded them -- they were better equipped to affect political policy than individuals who were limited by how much they could contribute. These foundations and NGOs put forth policies that represent the agendas of the international bankers and corporations that fund them. They were not developed to help people in the way that we normally believe foundations to operate.

The model for these foundations is based on the Rhodes/Milner Round Tables which were themselves based on the British East India Company model. “The British responded by launching the pseudo-science of eugenics, and also the Round Table movements of Cecil Rhodes and Lord Alfred Milner. In the 1880s and 1890s, this “elite” movement created the Eugenics Society, founded by Sir Arthur Balfour of the Venetian-origin Cecil family and John Ruskin’s “Pre-Raphaelite” Brotherhood.”

“Opposing the entire European Renaissance; the Round Table of Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Milner, Balfour, and their friends, strategists from the African and Asian empire, seeking world power for the Anglo-Saxon master race. These men shared a bored contempt for the existence of mankind, like the satanic Zeus of Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound.. Their idea was to convince the United States to join them in their quest for Anglo-Saxon world government while coordinating their commonwealth possessions to that same end. Canada’s proximity to the United States made its role that much more vital to advance the subversion.”

As the 20th century progressed these foundations and their attendant NGOs began to form networks, all with the same primary purpose, eugenics and the expansion of the

British Empire, managed behind the scenes by the Rothschild diaspora, which became the Rothschild/Rockefeller diaspora as the Rockefeller family became the American wing of the Rothschild family so to speak. In the 1920s Tavistock Institute was established as a means to socially engineer the public into accepting their eugenics and global control agenda. Edward Bernays and his propaganda -- later public relations -- became an integral part of this effort.

Both the Rockefellers in America and the Rothschilds (through their agents) in England became involved in education, medicine and the mass media -- journalism and movies in the beginning. As the technology grew, the control of the Rothschilds grew bank. The creation of the Federal Reserve in America gave the Rothschilds and their international banking partners what they always coveted,

ol of the American banking system, currency, and ultimately the economy. “Give me control of a nation’s exponentially. Central banking was also an integral part of the power structure, virtually every civilized nation with an economy of scale has a Rothschild controlled central money supply and I care not who makes its laws.” Nathan Rothschild.

It was during the early part of the 20th century that foundations turned from philanthropies into pseudo-philanthropies, that instead of helping people as initially intended, used the illusion of helping to mask a much darker intent, buying political capital and influence to impose a social engineering/eugenics agenda upon mankind. The Gates Foundation and its NGOs (GAVI, WEF, WHO, etc.) is a prime example of how it works.


WWI saw a split in the global financial empire. In 1914 Germany decided to challenge the rest of Europe for economic dominance. Remember, every war is a Rothschild war, they made their fortune funding both sides of every conflict since the Napoleonic Wars -- with the exception of the American Civil War where they backed the South hoping to establish a banking empire in the US.

Germany, backed by industrialists such as Krupps, attempted to run a railway line from Berlin to Baghdad giving them unlimited access to Middle East oil and with it an immense amount of power in the region challenging the British oil dominance and wresting dominance from the Anglo-American industrialists in the process. The only stumbling block was Serbia, a country that Archduke Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire had a soft spot for. This meant that for Germany to succeed he must first be eliminated, so they coerced Serbian radicals into assassinating him by threatening their families and then covering it up by executing them. The assassination and ensuing war changed the face of European politics forever.

Between the turn of the 20th century and 1920 over 40 monarchies fell, the British monarchy being the most prominent survivor. The Age of Monarchy was over replaced by the Age of Democracies. Democracies, however, are a very dangerous thing for the elites. There is nothing the elites fear more than the will of the people, who they consider incapable of ruling themselves. The American experiment was proving them wrong so America must be subsumed if their agenda was to succeed.

Being individualist by nature it took decades of social engineering -- manipulating the educational system and mass media to bring them to heel. The Rockefeller Foundation played a pivotal role with their control over education and the media in America. Just as they used their influence over the media in building a consensus for the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, they were also instrumental in pushing for America’s involvement in WWI. Drawing the US into both world wars was a critical step in ending American isolationism and individualism drawing them into the Rothschild/Rockefeller globalist paradigm.

There were two other issues that were very important during the WWI time period: the Balfour Declaration in 1917 that ceded control of what is now Israel to the Rothschilds -- something that would shape Middle East politics forever, and the Russian Revolution. Financed by international bankers, the USSR was an experiment in totalitarianism. The Russian people were already used to a dictatorial form of government under the Czar so the transition to the dictatorial edicts of the Bolsheviks was a minor change.

The Weimar Republic and reparations from WWI was punishment for Germany challenging the European/Rothschild power structure. There was nothing ideological about any of this, the Russian Revolution and the rise of Hitler and Nazism included. The ideology of the globalist elites is power and total control. The USSR and Nazism were experiments in totalitarianism and eugenics, particularly in the case of Nazi Germany. Ideology is a tool wielded by the elites to divide and conquer, playing upon the passions of the common people. The goal of the globalist elites has always been to impose a global totalitarian regime which they cont

ol of the American banking system, currency, and ultimately the economy. “Give me control of a nation’s exponentially. Central banking was also an integral part of the power structure, virtually every civilized nation with an economy of scale has a Rothschild controlled central money supply and I care not who makes its laws.” Nathan Rothschild.

It was during the early part of the 20th century that foundations turned from philanthropies into pseudo-philanthropies, that instead of helping people as initially intended, used the illusion of helping to mask a much darker intent, buying political capital and influence to impose a social engineering/eugenics agenda upon mankind. The Gates Foundation and its NGOs (GAVI, WEF, WHO, etc.) is a prime example of how it works.


WWI saw a split in the global financial empire. In 1914 Germany decided to challenge the rest of Europe for economic dominance. Remember, every war is a Rothschild war, they made their fortune funding both sides of every conflict since the Napoleonic Wars -- with the exception of the American Civil War where they backed the South hoping to establish a banking empire in the US.

Germany, backed by industrialists such as Krupps, attempted to run a railway line from Berlin to Baghdad giving them unlimited access to Middle East oil and with it an immense amount of power in the region challenging the British oil dominance and wresting dominance from the Anglo-American industrialists in the process. The only stumbling block was Serbia, a country that Archduke Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire had a soft spot for. This meant that for Germany to succeed he must first be eliminated, so they coerced Serbian radicals into assassinating him by threatening their families and then covering it up by executing them. The assassination and ensuing war changed the face of European politics forever.

Between the turn of the 20th century and 1920 over 40 monarchies fell, the British monarchy being the most prominent survivor. The Age of Monarchy was over replaced by the Age of Democracies. Democracies, however, are a very dangerous thing for the elites. There is nothing the elites fear more than the will of the people, who they consider incapable of ruling themselves. The American experiment was proving them wrong so America must be subsumed if their agenda was to succeed.

Being individualist by nature it took decades of social engineering -- manipulating the educational system and mass media to bring them to heel. The Rockefeller Foundation played a pivotal role with their control over education and the media in America. Just as they used their influence over the media in building a consensus for the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, they were also instrumental in pushing for America’s involvement in WWI. Drawing the US into both world wars was a critical step in ending American isolationism and individualism drawing them into the Rothschild/Rockefeller globalist paradigm.

There were two other issues that were very important during the WWI time period: the Balfour Declaration in 1917 that ceded control of what is now Israel to the Rothschilds -- something that would shape Middle East politics forever, and the Russian Revolution. Financed by international bankers, the USSR was an experiment in totalitarianism. The Russian people were already used to a dictatorial form of government under the Czar so the transition to the dictatorial edicts of the Bolsheviks was a minor change.

The Weimar Republic and reparations from WWI was punishment for Germany challenging the European/Rothschild power structure. There was nothing ideological about any of this, the Russian Revolution and the rise of Hitler and Nazism included. The ideology of the globalist elites is power and total control. The USSR and Nazism were experiments in totalitarianism and eugenics, particularly in the case of Nazi Germany. Ideology is a tool wielded by the elites to divide and conquer, playing upon the passions of the common people. The goal of the globalist elites has always been to impose a global totalitarian regime which they cont

ol of the American banking system, currency, and ultimately the economy. “Give me control of a nation’s exponentially. Central banking was also an integral part of the power structure, virtually every civilized nation with an economy of scale has a Rothschild controlled central money supply and I care not who makes its laws.” Nathan Rothschild.

It was during the early part of the 20th century that foundations turned from philanthropies into pseudo-philanthropies, that instead of helping people as initially intended, used the illusion of helping to mask a much darker intent, buying political capital and influence to impose a social engineering/eugenics agenda upon mankind. The Gates Foundation and its NGOs (GAVI, WEF, WHO, etc.) is a prime example of how it works.


WWI saw a split in the global financial empire. In 1914 Germany decided to challenge the rest of Europe for economic dominance. Remember, every war is a Rothschild war, they made their fortune funding both sides of every conflict since the Napoleonic Wars -- with the exception of the American Civil War where they backed the South hoping to establish a banking empire in the US.

Germany, backed by industrialists such as Krupps, attempted to run a railway line from Berlin to Baghdad giving them unlimited access to Middle East oil and with it an immense amount of power in the region challenging the British oil dominance and wresting dominance from the Anglo-American industrialists in the process. The only stumbling block was Serbia, a country that Archduke Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire had a soft spot for. This meant that for Germany to succeed he must first be eliminated, so they coerced Serbian radicals into assassinating him by threatening their families and then covering it up by executing them. The assassination and ensuing war changed the face of European politics forever.

Between the turn of the 20th century and 1920 over 40 monarchies fell, the British monarchy being the most prominent survivor. The Age of Monarchy was over replaced by the Age of Democracies. Democracies, however, are a very dangerous thing for the elites. There is nothing the elites fear more than the will of the people, who they consider incapable of ruling themselves. The American experiment was proving them wrong so America must be subsumed if their agenda was to succeed.

Being individualist by nature it took decades of social engineering -- manipulating the educational system and mass media to bring them to heel. The Rockefeller Foundation played a pivotal role with their control over education and the media in America. Just as they used their influence over the media in building a consensus for the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, they were also instrumental in pushing for America’s involvement in WWI. Drawing the US into both world wars was a critical step in ending American isolationism and individualism drawing them into the Rothschild/Rockefeller globalist paradigm.

There were two other issues that were very important during the WWI time period: the Balfour Declaration in 1917 that ceded control of what is now Israel to the Rothschilds -- something that would shape Middle East politics forever, and the Russian Revolution. Financed by international bankers, the USSR was an experiment in totalitarianism. The Russian people were already used to a dictatorial form of government under the Czar so the transition to the dictatorial edicts of the Bolsheviks was a minor change.

The Weimar Republic and reparations from WWI was punishment for Germany challenging the European/Rothschild power structure. There was nothing ideological about any of this, the Russian Revolution and the rise of Hitler and Nazism included. The ideology of the globalist elites is power and total control. The USSR and Nazism were experiments in totalitarianism and eugenics, particularly in the case of Nazi Germany. Ideology is a tool wielded by the elites to divide and conquer, playing upon the passions of the common people. The goal of the globalist elites has always been to impose a global totalitarian regime which they cont ol.


As it was with WWI, the American public had to be dragged into WWII kicking and screaming. There was no consensus to be embroiled in what most Americans viewed as an internecine European conflict. The fact is that many American businessmen, corporations, and bankers were attracted to the corporate fascism model adopted by Hitler and Germany. Several major corporations were involved in a military coup attempt against FDR and his Keynesian/Socialist policies. It was thwarted by Gen. Smedley Butler, the man chosen to lead the coup. The American elites of the day were supportive not only of Hitler’s corporate fascism but the nascent eugenics movement begun in the US. It was the American eugenics movement that Hitler modeled his Racial Purity program after. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, visited Germany while in exile in Europe and became close friends with Dr. Ernst Rudin, one of the architects of Germany’s eugenics program.

The deliberate attack on Pearl Harbor happened for two reasons: the most obvious being to get America involved in the war, and the second to force the Allies to fight on two different fronts dividing their forces. Remember, it doesn’t matter which side prevails, the Rothschilds profit by financing both sides. WWII gave birth to the Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower warned of in his Farewell Address. THis was to be one of three important developments in geopolitics coming out of WWII.

The other two developments were the emergence of the OSS -- later the CIA and the beginning of the security (police) state and the Bretton Woods Conference that established the World Bank and IMF, both of which the elites would use to destroy the sovereignty of nations and control their economies.

During the war, America established the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) as a counterpart of the British Secret Service (MI-5 & MI-6). After the war in 1946 OSS became the CIA, a decision that President Harry Truman would live to regret. The CIA is a government agency that operates in the dark with virtually no congressional oversight, or oversight from any other government agency for that matter. They operate in concert with British Secret Services and Mossad, the Israeli equivalent of the CIA. They have been instrumental in overseeing the social engineering project developed for the elites by Tavistock Institute as well as running the MKUltra/Monarch mind control program. They are also the enforcement arm of Project Mockingbird, the media control program of the Rockefeller Foundation and their cohorts.

The Counterculture Revolution

Like WWI and WWII there was little public support for the war in Vietnam. Unlike the previous world wars, Vietnam was fought for much different reasons, there was little danger of Vietnam attacking the US. Vietnam became a testing ground for new weapons and to prove that wars could still be profitably fought without resorting to the nuclear option -- to prolong the Cold War, an imaginary ideological war based entirely on fear. Fear has always been a potent weapon of the elites as a means of social control. Vietnam, along with the creation of NATO, cemented the power of the Military

Industrial Complex. On the home front in the US the war to destroy American culture and values was in full swing, led by the CIA and Cultural Marxists.

This was a clash of civilizations. The counterculture, led by Cultural Marxists represented in part by the Weather Underground and the drug culture were all part of the plan by the elites to destroy traditional American culture by attacking its most prominent institutions, religion and the nuclear family -- an attack that has only intensified as time went on.

During the 1960s the CIA became heavily involved in the drug trade, partly to finance their own secret operations and as part of the social engineering project designed by Tavistock Institute. LSD was used as part of the MKUltra/Monarch Program and later distributed to the counterculture “hippie” movement. Vietnam and the Golden Triangle in SE Asia became the center of heroin smuggling by the CIA and their assets. This was followed by cocaine during Iran-Contra and the crack epidemic of the 1980s and 90s -- America had become the biggest consumer of illegal narcotics in the world thanks in large part to the CIA. The laughable “War on Drugs” was an illusion, the profits from the illegal drug trade were too good to pass up, both for the drug cartels and the American government.

The Vietnam era saw another cultural shift as well -- the emergence of the elites. The war was fought by a disproportionate amount of blacks and lower class whites. The children of the well to do got college deferments and became the war protestors, not that they opposed the war as much as they protested fighting it themselves. They became SDS and the Weather Underground, children of privilege who went on to take prestigious places in America’s universities and education. It was all part of the plan to use the educational system to indoctrinate and radicalize American students.

Urban blacks were hit hardest by the Vietnam era. From the end of slavery until the 1960s the black nuclear family was one of the strongest social institutions in America. Democrat LBJ and his cynical “Great Society” program put an end to that. The vast majority of the problems facing the black community have nothing to do with racism or white supremacy, but can be summed up in one word -- fatherlessness. The Great Society programs, as planned, effectively destroyed the black family. Many black soldiers came back to find their neighborhoods destroyed by rampant drug abuse, families ripped apart and worst of all, a sense of hopelessness. To become eligible for the social welfare benefits of the Great Society program the father must be absent from the home. The black family survived slavery and its aftermath, Jim Crow and segregation, but not the beneficience of the Democrat Party.

Reaganomics: Channeling Money Upwards

While the Reagan years were seen as a triumph for conservatism, their economic policies did more to enhance the rich more than anything else. Today’s elite billionaire class owe more to Reagan’s relaxed banking policies than anything else. The Reagan years can be summed up in one catch phrase: Greed is good.

The significance of the Reagan years was the transference of power to international bankers and the expanded influence of multinational corporations. Reagan himself said that government was the problem not the solution but like every administration since at least that of Calvin Coolidge, the government expanded under Reagan in both size and scope. Instead of empowering the people, Reagan chose to empower Wall Street banks and corporations. It was during the Reagan years that the takeover of small businesses began, centering financial power into the hands of the few. The 1980s saw “mergermania,” the buying up of small businesses by major corporations and stripping them of their assets before discarding them. This set the stage for the tech boom of the 1990s and the early 2000s, creating a few billionaires at the expense of the American public. These are the same elitists that are now pushing social policy today, the Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerbergs were all beneficiaries of the Reagan policies of the 1980s.

The other significant occurrence under Reagan was the fall of the “Evil Empire,” the Soviet Union. Although credited for the fall, Reagan’s contribution was minimal at best. The USSR had served its purpose as the boogeyman behind the Cold War fearmongering. A new boogeyman was on the horizon, international terrorism. The elites were grooming a new weapon of control -- people were no longer afraid of the threat of nuclear destruction.

The Clinton Years: Selling America

If the Reagan years saw a marked influence in the power of banks and corporations, the Clinton years saw a proliferation of foundations and NGOs along with increased power for both. Foundations such as the Rockefeller, Ford, and Carnegie, although still immensely powerful were giving way to a new breed of pseudo-philanthropies like the Gates Foundation -- something the Clintons would get involved with themselves a decade or so later, finding fame and fortune trading political favors for cash when Hillary was Secretary of State.

The Clinton's involvement in politics had one objective, to garner as much power and wealth as possible regardless of the cost to national security. Between Bill and his wife they gave new meaning to the term political corruption -- they would take money from anyone willing to give it. Under the Clintons everything was for sale including America’s most strictly guarded secrets. It was under the Clinton administration that America’s most top secret labs were opened up to Chinese “scientists” including Los Alamos and the bioweapons lab at Ft. Detrick MD.

Under the Clinton administration many NGOs with anti-American sentiments gained power, such as the Children’s Defense Fund, a misnomer. They began as a coalition of out of work Vietnam War protesters and now include cultural marxist activists such as Jussie Smollett’s sister Jurnee. Before becoming first lady, Hillary Clinton was the director, replaced by Donna Shalala. Their agenda like that of many Clinton allies such as the NEA (teacher’s union) were and are dedicated to the globalist agenda and the destruction of the nuclear family. Hillary’s favorite charity, if it can be called that, is the National Lawyers Guild, a front for the Communist Party USA.


This is not meant to be a complete history, only to fill in a few blanks and connect a few dots that future historians will undoubtedly overlook. Little by little since the end of WWII the power of the American electorate has been usurped in favor of the powerful elites, something that began much earlier in the century but took decades to reach fruition. They use their foundations, NGOs, and corporations with the aid of the security state (CIA, FBI, NSA, etc.) and government agencies in the executive branch to achieve their globalist goals.

There is but one political party in America -- The Party -- mainstream Republicans and Democrats rule together in concert rather than in opposition to each other. Their differences are an illusion to create a public image of enmity. They represent the monied interests (elites) who fund their campaigns instead of the people who elect them. No longer representing “we the people” our elected officials see themselves as rulers rather than servants of the people, when in reality they are well-paid corrupt puppets of the globalist institutions they represent. There are a few exceptions but there are too few to make a difference. They seldom last long enough to accrue any real power, nor do they generally last for any meaningful amount of time.

More people were killed in the name of totalitarianism during the 20th century than any time in history. The 20th century will go down in history as having witnessed the end of individualism in favor of collectivism, temporarily we can only hope. If the beginning of the 21st century is any indicator of things to come we are all in big trouble. People became immune to the fear of nuclear annihilation and more recently the fear of international terrorism. Now we have the fear of Covid to contend with, along with all of its waves and variants. What we really need to be afraid of is the same people we should have been afraid of since the beginning of the 19th century, but humans aren’t that forward thinking. It’s the elites and their foundations that “only want to help” that we need to fear most.


This gave me a side of history that I didn't know existed! When you say Alexander Hamilton, do you mean Hamilton from the musical?! It's an interesting article and shows how we are all, democracy or otherwise, controlled by the rich.

(One thing that you can do to make the article more readable is to edit it to remove the number of times that the WWI section is repeated)