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RE: America Under Siege... or... Already Conquered...???

in Deep Dives3 years ago

A nice EMP from the Sun could take the techno away from the cracy ,... free us from it's slavery . Force us all back to nature ,.. make the useful idiot's , useless idiot's . I know , it will bring horror and terror over the world for years . Hordes of useless idiot's , incapable of surviving , will in search for food and water overrun and destroy the city's . Many will die , .
It is not what i wish for this civilization , i rather see the people take there own choice and respect and connect to the nature of this planet a bit more , by there own free will . One world one people one love , the far opposite of the NWO .

Still , i do see the Sun as my king and savior , may it have mercy on us ;-)


Thank you for your input @small1axe... I always enjoy your perspective on the nature of things...😎