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RE: All Lives Matter?

in Deep Dives4 years ago

"race" is a social construct; there's no gene or cluster of genes common to all blacks or all whites.

Sorry to disappoint you but races do exist. The definition of race does not require a specific gene present in 100% of its representants or exclude having broad differences within a race. When you say there is "more genetic variation between two black people from different African countries than there is between a black and white person" you forget one thing: How you can quantify these differences? It was only possible because first YOU subgrouped the people into those races you later deem as non-existing. A logical flaw.
They exist, but this of course does not say that one is better than the other.
Denying their existence is like denying that there are women and men and that gender is a social construct. Scientifically hopeless.


Don't worry my friend; you're not disappointing me at all. Sorry to disappoint you there ;-) You're arguing against a straw man here; I never claimed that race doesn't exist. It seems like you're having trouble separating biological facts from social and cultural constructs, not only on the race issue, but on the sex / gender issue as well. Men and Women exist; that's a biological fact. What gender one identifies with is a whole different story; transgenders are born one sex, but can identify as the other, sometimes even as a-sexual or something in between. That's also fact, albeit not biological. If you can't differentiate between the two, as may be the case with some religious fundamentalists, you're simply contradicting scientific facts and resort to calling transgenders "crazy people" or "sick people" who need to be "cured" from their "disease"... I'm not saying this applies to you personally though, it's just that this response concerns me because I can understand it either way...

Let´s leave the gender topic for another time, this is too complex to answer you in a sentence, you are right that sex and gender are two things, I didn´t want to deny it.
I was just referring to your statement that races are "social constructs". Are you telling now you didn´t mean it and that races do exist?

Are you telling now you didn´t mean it and that races do exist?

No. I purposefully included the gender topic to show the fallacy in your reasoning, and you're repeating the same fallacy here. I'm saying that races exist as social constructs, not as biological entities. It's that simple. Unlike with gender and sex; those can and do exist alongside each other.

You are also repeating you dogmas (that races exist as social constructs, not as biological entities), but without any reasoning/argumentation. In my initial reply I gave an argument which you happened to just ignore.
Sorry, but as long as you can´t explain WHY races should in humans not exist biologically whereby in all other animals they do exist, I can´t take you serious. Do you think there was no evolution or that once mankind was there biology stopped to work? Why we should be different than other beings?
I know the word "race" is terribly bad connotated, and this is why people don´t want it for humans, so think about the concept as "population groups". Maybe you accept then the scientific facts better and won´t be triggered by the word.