Ukraine-Russian war. 301, 302 and 303 days of war report.

in Deep Dives2 years ago

Day 301:
New video footage at Marinka/Мар'їнка in one of the buildings behind Druzhby avenue, which confirms Ukrainian Army still present in the center of the town.
Geolocation: 47.942340, 37.503048

A second video footage shows Russian Army and DPR forces bombing Ukrainian Army positions at Frozen Food Factory close to Druzhby avenue in Marinka/Мар'їнка. Russians continue to fight for the town center with minimal advances, thus refusing the Russian reports about the capture of the town center.
Geolocation: 47.94462103305764, 37.50747419100444

On the other hand, another video footage provided by Russian drone shows mine factory in the eastern outskirts of Bakhmut city, which was taken by Russian Army & DPR forces some weeks ago, which refutes reports of an Ukrainian Army counterattack yesterday.
Geolocation: 48.599403, 38.058820

Day 302:
Following the latest video footage it was able to make updates in the frontline around Spirne/Спірне. Ukrainian Army managed to recover the rest of the urban area during the last days while Russian Army & DPR forces still in control of the gas station.


Day 303:
Russian Army, DPR & LPR forces increased the buffer zone around Yakovlivka/Яковлівка town and began advancing towards different axis, but specially towards the town of Rozdolivka/Роздолівка and the city of Soledar/Соледар.


Few changes in Bakhmut front during the last days. Russian Army & DPR forces took control over some blocks at Vatutina street in Zabakhmutka district.


Meanwhile, some kilometers south, Russian Army & DPR forces advanced from Kurdyumivka/Курдюмівка around water channel during the last days.


Situation south of Donetsk: Ukrainian Army managed to repell Russian Army & DPR forces attack south of Neskuchne/Нескучне, which confirms Ukrainian forces still in control over the town.


Legend of the maps:

  • Blue: Area of Donbas under the control of Ukrainian Government
  • Yellow: Area under the control of DLuhansk People's Republic
  • Orange: Area under the control of Donetsk People's Republic