Our Perceptions - Using This Opportunity To Face Our Shadow

in Deep Dives2 years ago (edited)

What if we chose, to see this whole Covid Narrative as an opportunity for positive change within ourselves, an opportunity to embrace and face our Shadow. As we navigate our way, through these challenging times, many of us would have been triggered by some of the events that have played out. These triggers, expose us to aspects of ourselves that we have rejected and tried so hard to keep in the dark. But now, now it is time to bring them into the light.


These aspects are part of our Shadow and are awareness about them, determines how much influence our Shadow, has over us.

As we strive to become more aware, to become a better person, we begin to understand how important it is to work with our Shadow, which in turn will deepen our connection and understanding of who we are. This opportunity, can really help to release us from the way we have been conditioned. Deepening our relationship with others as well.

If you are willing to face your Shadow, you can be liberated.

As we continue to witness the powers that be, try their hardest to exert more power and control over us, by creating more fear and more restrictions. Liberty, is definitely something we all need to invite more of, into our lives right now!

As we continue to witness the Darkness rise up from Humanity. We are being called upon to connect with our Shadow self, so that we can work with it and ultimately learn from it, as we empower ourselves.

We all know, that we cannot have the light without the dark, that both exist alongside one another. And in order to begin the work, we need our Shadow to be brought into the light.

Identifying the things that trigger us, is perhaps the first step. Taking the time, to then explore how we react to these triggers, on an emotional and physical level. But first, acknowledging that we are in fact reacting, as soon as we see those old patterns emerging.

Maybe try saying it out loud, this can really help to acknowledge our reactions and also help us to bring more awareness to them. Then we can check in with how we feel emotionally, are we sad or angry etc.

From there we can disconnect from our thoughts and focus more on our physical body. By bringing our awareness to our breathing and inviting ourselves to breath more deeply. So often are breathing is shallow, the power of our Breath, is never to be under estimated. This exercise can really help to ground us and to also break the patterns of behavior that we keep repeating.

As we spend more time, focusing on these parts of ourselves, delving deeper and broadening our awareness, we can begin to identify where these behaviors originated from. Allowing us to connect with our younger self and give them the love and attention that they perhaps were deprived off. (Things that were fueling our Shadow.) Finally the needs of our younger self are met, bringing with it so much healing and allowing us to move forward in life and thrive!

How we perceive things, creates our reality. As we come close, to the end of this year and get ready to make our way into the next, be open to all the opportunities that may arise. Which each challenging experience, we have the opportunity to learn and grow, we just need to choose to see them, in that way!

As always, our lives are a reflection of our environment and as the world is changing rapidly, so must we, but in the best possible way!







As always, our lives are a reflection of our environment and as the world is changing rapidly, so must we, but in the best possible way
This is pinned
Thank you for sharing I find this educating

I reblogged halfway through my read... 🧡

This journey is liberating and so much more. But. Only after acknowledging what is light and the outlines of one's shadows... everything else falls into place. It is our unwise attempt to rid either that drags us to the bottomless pit of triggers.

And it is there that everything hurts.

Yes it is painful and I think that is why so many are afraid to face it, but that pain is also what enables us to become more aware and let go. Thank you for your beautiful reflection @tezmel xxxx

You are so right! We do need to find the positive. I have focussed so much on the external negatives is has brought out in others!

To be honest it is hard not to, because it is in our face everyday, but we are better than all of that. Thank you @sequentialvibe for all the support you give me, your words mean a lot xxxxx

Great post, a lot of people are seeing this. A new show I’ve been watching by Aaron Abke and co-host whose name I can’t remember is all about this, how the increasingly dark (or increasingly impossible to ignore) world events are but a reflection of the darkness in the collective consciousness and this Covid tyranny a great opportunity for collective societal shadow work. It’s called ‘The War on Consciousness’, previews on YouTube and full episodes on new independent censorship free platform called Conscious Vitality, new episodes weekly.