next pandemic: bird flu | climate/ geo-engineering | AI helped suicide a man

in Deep Dives11 months ago

at least in germany xd







a lot of bird flu news - just a selection of the last days..

but we don't even need it...

The next pandemic: WHO chief Tedros warns of another outbreak that could be significantly worse than Covid

A special report by the "German Council of Environmental Experts" (SRU), which advises the German government, calls on politicians to take measures to urge the population to adopt climate-friendly behavior. The Corona measures, which are hostile to fundamental rights, are cited as a model.

For example: geo-engineering:


Solar Geoengineering: Hell in Heaven!

A new book shows why we need to continue research on a highly controversial and highly dangerous climate protection idea. (...)

It's a compellingly simple idea, but at the same time it's so red-hot and so politically controversial that it threatens to bog down before it's properly explored. What if we simply darken the sun? (...)

Wagner, a dual U.S. Austrian citizen who studied at the elite universities of Harvard and Stanford and earned his doctorate at Harvard, also knows that this would be technically feasible with relatively little effort within a few years. All that is needed are special transport jets and enough sulfur, aluminum oxide, calcite or special salts to distribute microscopically fine powder evenly in the higher atmosphere.(...)

"Man ends his life after AI chatbot 'encouraged' him to sacrifice himself to stop climate change"

"A Belgian man has reportedly ended his life after talking to an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot for six weeks about the climate crisis.

According to his widow, who wishes to remain anonymous, *Pierre - not the man's real name - became extremely environmentally anxious when he found refuge with Eliza, an AI chatbot in an app called Chai.

Eliza then encouraged him to end his life after suggesting he sacrifice himself to save the planet.

"Without those conversations with the chatbot, my husband would still be here," the man's widow told Belgian news magazine La Libre."


In the United Kingdom, a striking accumulation of severe myocarditis cases among babies has been detected: WHO has issued a warning in this regard. One baby has already died. The organization cites PCR testing and attributes the illnesses to enteroviruses. Authorities do not want to establish a link to the Covid vaccinations.

surely the bird flu and no vaccine nor geo-engineering
or any bio-engineering nor even social-engineering (yes, babys need contact!)

what should possibly go wrong


2006 wurde schon mal die Vogelgrippe als für den Menschen gefährlich hingestellt. Über die PR Aktionen dazu gab es einiges Gelächter: als die Brücke zur Insel Rügen gesperrt wurde, damit keine Vögel aufs Festland kommen. Oder im Fernsehen eine Reinigungsaktion zur Seuchenbekämpfung gezeigt wurde; und dann auf Youtube die Inszenierung bloßgestellt wurde. Leider sind die PR Aktionen mit der Zeit professioneller geworden.

Hmm 'professionellere PR" oder blödere Mitläufer/ nützliche Idioten/ "Erwachsene" ?

Ganz sicher bin ich mir auch nicht. Jetzt wird die Teletubbies Genaration erwachsen. Ich habe als 5 Jähriger am liebsten Western gesehen. Wie sich das auswirkt...?
Am wahrscheinlichsten: die PR Firmen lernten aus jeder "Pandemie", die große Masse fällt jedes mal auf die gleichen Tricks herein; auch dann, als sich damals vergangene Plandemien als Betrug herausstellten. Das hat mit Gedächtnis zu tun

Das hat auch mit Erziehung zu tun und dem eigenem Menschen- & Weltbild, welches man weitergibt/ andere vulnerable Zielgruppen damit ansteckt..

Innerhalb welchem Rahmen man sich noch rechtfertigen kann/ darf..

Geht da auch nicht nur um Pandemien..

als ob wir nicht schon zu wenig Essen hätten .. ?
die sind höchstens krank wegen den 5G Strahlungen und all den Schwermetallen, die so in der Luft "einfach so" rumfliegen

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Oh wow! Darkening the sun will probably be a disaster, any unforeseen reaction could bring serious repercussions.
WHO are it again warning of bigger pandemic ahead, I think it's orchestrated. That AI should be tried for murder lol. Really crazy times!

More madness