
I tend to agree with most of it; unadulterated capitalism is soulless, a purely materialist ideology. If a profit can be turned, it is wise to do so, ethics or other considerations be damned. So in that sense, to make capitalism conscious is to break it apart.

If socialism on its own is the solution, I'm not so sure. It's the other side of a purely materialist world-view. Modern politics has devolved, for many at least, into a purely monetary and class-based affair. I'd say politics is about more than that, but that's just my 2 cents.

The whole world is capitalist

Capitalism CANNOT exist without free markets.
Capitalistic cannot exist with central banks. (no sound money or price discovery mechanism).

The world is run through central banking.

Ergo, there is no capitalism - just the appearance of it ( for those who are gullible enough to believe it, or who have not read enough) .

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Keep working, stop paying.
Only the rich get mad.