
I disagree with the premise that there are only 2 classes. You said, "in capitalism there are only two classes; those who own the means of production and the rest of us who sell their labor to those owners." Because there is a spectrum of wealth and ability to use it, there must in fact be a middle area. "Middle class" is used to attempt to show where this middle range is. As you said, there's ambiguity for sure, but that does not mean a middle class does not exist. You could just as simply stated that there are only two classes-one where people can live their whole lives never having to work because they have enough wealth to accomplish that and one class where they must continue to work to be able to provide the necessities for themselves and their families. Capitalism is not a bad thing. It allows for the wider spectrum. All other methods of rule/economic societies cause the ends of the spectrum, but nothing in between. At least with capitalism, you have the opportunity of defying a caste system.

You state, "it only hurts all of us who are members of the "working class" that we look down or up to one another. The whole idea of a "middle class" only hinders the process of building the class-consciousness we so dearly need in order to build a better, fairer and more just world." Again, I disagree. This is a matter of perspective. You say it hinders the process of building the class-consciousness we need...why do we need class consciousness? What good does it do any of us to put us, mentally, into classes? If we're building a "fairer" world, how do you expect that to look? I would not expect a 20-year old to have the same wealth as a 60-year old who has worked their whole life within the same geography, on a whole; however, is it possible that someone at 15 or 16 could have an idea that would change the world and should be compensated richly for it? I think so. What of a 60+ year old that also has an idea that changes the world? I also think they should be compensated for it. The concept of working for one's self is a great concept! The moment the concept changes to everyone must work for the common good and all receive equally, everyone stops putting in their full effort and interdependence is defeated. However, bring in self-interest and all of a sudden, people produce more because they're working in their own self-interest. The fact that you're writing a blog to earn money (cryptocurrency) shows you're working in your own self-interest. Had there not been a possibility of earning from your post, the chances of you taking the time to say what you said are diminished greatly. It also shows that you've risen in income enough that you can take time out of your day to write what you've written. Capitalism is the reason why we're able to communicate worlds apart from each other at this very moment at very inexpensive costs. The other systems of economy did not bring that about. While people to rail against capitalism, it is the best thing available and the fruits of its labor are vast. I believe I live in the middle class. I'll take it!

Good comments!

Speaking logic to the delusional is an exercise in futility...

Your comment made me chuckle. I have often seen family get into "heated debate" online about political things. I remind them that you're not there to change the OP's mind. Your discussion is meant to help those who haven't made up their minds, and if you don't give your opinion, they'll only have one to choose from. 😉


I disagree with the premise that there are only 2 classes.

I'm very sorry to read that; there only being two classes is after all the entire point of this post ;-) Have you watched the video as well? Regerdless of that though, it's important to simply understand what capitalism is exactly. Capitalism is not defined by free markets or freedom of choice; markets have been around in all socioeconomic arrangements we've ever known. There was never a time when people did not trade; we traded during feudalism, slavery and mercantilism. And yes, there's also a thing called "market socialism". What defines capitalism is that the means of production are privately owned, and therein lies the division into two classes; the owner class and the working class. Socialism on the other hand is defined by communally owned means of production, merging us all into one class. And no, socialism or even communism does not mean we'll all suddenly be "equal". Marx understood very well that there's no such thing as "equality of outcome" or even "equality of oppurtunity", as we're all unique, born with unique talents and in unique circumstances. And the persons with those good ideas you're talking about; do you really believe that those ideas are theirs alone? Didn't they have parents, teachers, books? Money or profits have almost never been the motive for the inventions that change our lifes, but have been the product of obsessively curious men and women. Capitalism isn't the miraculous thing you think it is my friend. If anything, it's a continuation of the two-class division that's defined our entire history; I just think that it's time to finally try something else...

But thanks so much for the response @bobthebuilder2, I really appreciate you taking the time and effort!

....It's a modern, capitalist invention to divide the overwhelmingly large group of the "working class" and to rob them of their class consciousness.

There is no class consciousness !...lolol - it's yet another concept, trying to take on the qualities of reality.
....the purpose of which, is to divide (and control) - it also allows the low IQ useful idiots to think that they actually understand how things work, using simplistic, abstract concepts of 'class'.
Only the seriously cognitively impaired could ever accept 'concept' as 'real'.
(or the mentally ill - delusion is seen as a mental illness)

'Class' is an abstract, indefinable, idea.

One that's used by psychologically manipulative people wishing to create a divide where non exists.

By doing this , it also helps to perpetuate the 'poor me'- or 'victim mentality' psychology.
This enables the 'rage at the self' to be displaced outwards (projection) .
This external projection then allows the useful idiot to blame any external source for there self hatred (and poor understanding of reality).

...Idolizing marx as some kind of 'intellectual' - rather than seeing him as the social parasite and grifter that he was - is a good indicator of an individual with a poor understanding of reality.

Respecting a sexual predator, an abuser of women, and financial parasite - while espousing his works as some 'deep and meaningful' tome - says far more about the gullibility and naivity of the readers of his idiotic, low IQ rantings,than it does about the author...

My comments are to help educate everyone else coming across the posts ... I'm thinking he can't be helped , but I'm trying...( he still thinks marx makes logical sense - so a long way to go)