
Ah yes... I remember Netscape (or Nutscape, as we fondly called it, along with "Exploder...") and it was a pretty solid browser.

"Push Technology" pretty much is responsible for a lot of the "garbageware" that became today's de-facto standards. Microsnot were the masters of push technology; they put stuff there, and unless you know how to opt out via an "advanced" install, it was in your face, no matter what.

It was one of the reasons I bailed on the IT industry in the late 1990s...

Thanks so much for stopping by! And combine that push technology with the back-doors Microsoft intentionally leaves open in its operating systems, and you know why Windows computers are so damn fragile when it comes to viruses... ;-)

Well, your post resonated... brought up things I hadn't thought about in a really long time.

I worked in usability and human factors at Dell, and it was pretty much a joke. I was also a technical writer, creating documentation and working on intranets. Everything was about keeping investors and shareholders happy, not keeping customers happy. We were told to bury the Tech Support 800-number so deep in the documentation that people were unlikely to find it. It was a huge shitshow...

And so, you end up with fragile Windoze boxes people can afford, or sturdy Apple boxes filled with so much proprietary hard and software they cost a small fortune and most people can't afford them. Take your pick!

So true! That thing about burying the tech-support number's something I hear my clients complain about on a daily basis... It's a shit-show alright...

I remember Netscape. That was our family PC browser back in the day. I still favor Mozilla now, although it seems the Chromium source code from Google is the foundation for most competing browsers now, even Microsoft Edge.

I'm guilty; I use Brave browser, which is also Chromium based. But then again, I have all popular browsers installed, as I occasionally still encounter pages that display better in certain browsers. But Brave is my current daily driver on the web. Thanks so much for visiting my blog!

The Brave project intrigues me, but I have yet to dive in. Perhaps on the new Ubuntu Pi build I'm planning, I'll add it in.

Dear @zyx066, Are you in your 50s now? I am now in my 40s.
I don't know that Explorer beat Netscape in such an unfair way.

Yes, I'm 53 now. Life's just beginning ;-)