
What happens when Soros dies, or any of the others noted?

Was the condition of today born of them?

What happens when Soros dies, or any of the others noted?

Nothing; it's not the individuals but the system they operate in and the eternal hierarchy their position in that system safeguards.

Thanks for sharing that video!

That is specifically my point, yet the focus is most always on the "evil person" and not the system. I often look but seldom find the plan to destroy the system. I further believe if the name of the "evil person" is known to the public it's because the system has allowed the name to be know. As such I am not sure what the value is in mouth breathers pontificating these evil people, other than giving the sheep something to waste their life on.

Of course many point to bitcoin as a way to destroy central banks but I would bet that if bitcoin had mass adoption and achieved a value of 25 million each, that with 200 years the central banks will control 90% of them.

Some would say the time and energy wasted in rabbit holes would be better spent with a kinetic approach, they are likely correct.


His son takes over the reins.

Is time to utilize the jaw of an ass and seek deliverance or is it simply too comfortable being a servant to their system.

I'm very comfortable in my environment and able to pontificate and stand proudly among my servants.
For they love how extricate my boot from the ass of a proverbial mouth breathing progressive know it all.

Central banking is socialism - a failed experiment.
(those who don't see a controlled money supply as 'the centralized means of production' suffer delusion. it is what it is Price fixing and corrution _
...that _is socialism in action.
Some people duped by labels, call it capitalism , which it cannot be.
Free market capitlism relies on price discovery and market forces for money supply and interest rates , to be able to funtion properly.

Kill the victim mentality, kill marxism.

Kill the central banking socalism that we've had for at least this last century.

Central banking is socialism...

Still no idea what socialism is, apparently (hint: it's NOT "when the government does stuff"...)

a failed experiment...

It's working exactly as it's intended by its designers; not failed and not an experiment.

Free market capitlism relies on price discovery and market forces for money supply and interest rates , to be able to funtion properly.

No. Capitalism relies on the strict distinction between an owner class and a worker class, with the labor of the latter being exploited by the former. Markets, free (the delusion) or otherwise (in practice), are a separate thing and can exist next to socialism as well. be able to funtion properly.

No. This also is working as intended.

Kill the victim mentality, kill marxism.

Sure, you just keep on killing phantoms...

This "discussion" ends here. As soon as you get your definitions straight, we can try again. Discussion is impossible when one of the participants stubbornly hangs on to his or her own "alternative facts".

There was no intended dicsussion.

It's my stated position - so thinking people could see reality, and not be duped.
(not word salads with emotional rhetoric dressing, and blatant untruths re funding for commie blm and antifa).

When you don't want to be in the 'victim mentality club' any longer... I'm here for you! lol

This whole left-right division I so often talk about, we should bury that and concentrate on the only real division that keeps us all down, and that's the class division inherent in the capitalist economy...

So, no 'victim mentality' then?
You're funny.