Ecotrain QOTW season 9.4 : Spirituality and technology

in ecoTrain2 years ago

Q. "Can Spirituality and Technology Live Together?"

This is a very thoughtful and mindful question, thank you @ecotrain for this beautiful question.


Spirituality can be said to be the recognition of a feeling or sense of belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience and thag the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature.


Technology refers to methods, systems, and devices which are the result of scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes.

Can Spirituality and Technology Live Together?

These two have their roles to play in our lives at a different time.for example Technology, can give us physical comforts and conveniences, but it is not substitute of inner knowledge or soul knowledge.

Spirituality and technology and two worlds that can co-exist because spirituality represents our inner worlds while technology represent the outer worlds. These two worlds, effect each other. With the evolution of inner world, the outer world also grows. With the revelation of soul conciousness, to various people at different point of time, the intelligence of men also grew. These developments gave out new inventions and discoveries in the outer world.
The question we may ask ourselves is why do men wants to search the inner world when he has everything, in outer world .Because, he cannot be satisfied, with only satisfying physical needs. He wants, something else, which may satisfy his soul. He wants, inner peace, to quench his queries, regarding, life and death. Technology ,cannot answer such questions.
Technological progress unravels many of nature's mysteries and shows us its greatness. For example, humans felt that they had invented fibre optics. However, scientists have found that the root systems of plants are excellent optical fibres -- something that has existed in nature for millions of years. This knowledge could only come once we had enough technology for creating fibre optics, lasers etc.

Thus as we progress in the technological area, we will discover the great laws of nature and ultimately God. For God is nothing else but this marvellous universe which follows its own scientific laws. Spirituality is nothing else but understanding ourselves and the laws of universe through the tools of science and technology.

In conclusion

Spirituality and technology and boldly live together because one helps the other to evolve.