La Naturaleza Reacciona: Coronavirus/ Nature Reacts: Coronavirus

in ecoTrain4 years ago

(Span/Eng) La Naturaleza Reacciona: Coronavirus/ Nature Reacts: Coronavirus

Hola Comunidad Hive, gracias por estar allí, hoy quiero compartir con ustedes una reflexión acerca de la relación que la humanidad a establecido con la naturaleza y las reacciones que ésta ha tenido a lo largo del tiempo y ahora con la presencia del coronavirus


En el ciclo de comportamiento de naturaleza siempre han existido eventos en los cuales la naturaleza reacciona para estar en equilibrio, muchas especies se han extinguido, otras han ido evolucionando y se han suscitado episodios como inundaciones, terremotos, maremotos, tsunamis, etc., a través de los cuales la naturaleza habla y busca purificarse.

Sin embargo existe un factor innegable que ha afectado esta búsqueda de equilibrio natural y es la influencia humana con sus múltiples actividades productivas.


Hemos causado innumerables impactos ambientales, deterioro ecológico y degradación de ecosistemas. En nuestra visión antropocéntrica creemos controlar la naturaleza y evidentemente no es asi, porque cuando ella busca reestablecer su equilibrio, son numerosas las muertes de vidas humanas que pagan las consecuencias.

Y no es sólo evidente con el impacto al ser humano que han causado los desastres naturales, que por cierto, también hemos contribuido a acelerar y que sus efectos sean mas devastadores; sino que la naturaleza por medio de virus y enfermedades mortales nos ha mostrado su gran poder.

La especie humana es una más de las que habita el planeta y en cualquier momento pudiese llegar a su extinción, la realidad es que la naturaleza en sus reacciones lo ha demostrado. Lo triste es que seguimos los humanos provocando mas desequilibrio, contaminando más y esperamos que nada suceda.


La realidad actual que estamos viviendo con el coronavirus es una prueba de ello, aunque existan hipótesis que plantean que este fue un virus creado en laboratorios, otra perspectiva es naturalista y sitúa su origen en especies animales, como ha sucedido en otras ocasiones como en el caso del ébola, la gripe aviar, el sars, entre otros.


Tomando en cuenta la visión naturalista sobre el coronavirus, ¿uds creen que todo el daño ambiental ocasionado influye? Yo creo que si, porque hemos propiciado la mutación de virus antes controlados, le hemos quitado a la naturaleza muchas herramientas para lograr ese equilibrio metabólico al contaminar y aprovechar en forma desmedida los recursos naturales.

El Covid-19, es una prueba más de nuestra influencia, tanto es así que ahora que estamos en casa, resguardándonos y previniendo contagio, la naturaleza se ha sentido en libertad y se está purificando

Se han observado distintas especies animales regresando a espacios que antes eran suyos, y ahora los han visto transitar en playas, plazas, calles. Se han registrado datos donde la polución ambiental ha disminuido sus valores y ¿no es algo que supuestamente estamos tratando de hacer desde hace años? Canales navegables ahora vuelven a ser transparentes y hasta regresan especies marinas a transitarlo.

Tuvo que reaccionar la naturaleza para que nuestro efecto disminuyera, a mí me resulta irónico que ante tantas evidencias nos sigamos considerando una especie dominante.

Ojala que el tiempo que estemos aún en cuarentena por el coronavirus, independientemente de sus efectos en las esferas humanas, sea un alivio para el planeta y que realmente haya cambios en la vida humana donde al haber experimentado tal vulnerabilidad le demos su respeto al ambiente.

Espero que te haya gustado este post.


Las fotografías fueron tomadas con un Motorola E6s.

El traductor empleado fue

Gracias por estar allí.



English Version

Nature Reacts: Coronavirus

Hello Hive Community, thanks for being there, today I want to share with you a reflection about the relationship that humanity has established with nature and the reactions that it has had over time and now with the presence of the coronavirus


In the cycle of nature's behavior there have always been events in which nature reacts to be in balance, many species have become extinct, others have evolved and episodes such as floods, earthquakes, tidal waves, tsunamis, etc., have arisen through which nature speaks and seeks to purify itself.

However, there is an undeniable factor that has affected this search for natural balance and that is the human influence with its multiple productive activities.


We have caused countless environmental impacts, ecological deterioration and ecosystem degradation. In our anthropocentric vision we believe that we control nature and evidently this is not the case, because when she seeks to reestablish her balance, there are numerous deaths of human lives that pay the consequences.

And it is not only evident with the impact to the human being that natural disasters have caused, that by the way, we have also contributed to accelerate and make their effects more devastating; but nature through viruses and deadly diseases has shown us its great power.


The human species is one more of those that inhabits the planet and at any time could reach its extinction, the reality is that nature in its reactions has shown it. The sad thing is that we humans continue provoking more imbalance, contaminating more and we hope that nothing happens.

The current reality that we are living with the coronavirus is proof of this, although there are hypotheses that suggest that this was a virus created in laboratories, another perspective is naturalistic and places its origin in animal species, as has happened on other occasions as in the case of Ebola, avian influenza, sars, among others.


Taking into account the naturalistic view on the coronavirus, do you think that all the environmental damage caused has an influence? I think so, because we have encouraged the mutation of previously controlled viruses, we have taken away from nature many tools to achieve that metabolic balance by contaminating and taking excessive advantage of natural resources.

The Covid-19, is one more proof of our influence, so much so that now that we are at home, protecting ourselves and preventing contagion, nature has felt free and is being purified

Different animal species have been observed returning to spaces that were once theirs, and now they have been seen walking on beaches, squares, streets. Data have been recorded where environmental pollution has decreased their values and isn't this something we have been trying to do for years? Navigable channels are now transparent again and even marine species are returning to transit them.

Nature had to react so that our effect would diminish. I find it ironic that in the face of so much evidence we still consider ourselves a dominant species.

Let us hope that the time we are still in quarantine because of the coronavirus, independently of its effects in the human sphere, will be a relief for the planet and that there will really be changes in human life where, having experienced such vulnerability, we will respect the environment.

I hope you liked this post.


The pictures were taken with a Motorola E6s.

The translator used was

Thank you for being there.



I follow you and re blogged your post! Might be better to upload the English version separate and cross link to each other? Because a lot of people just wont see it because it starts in Spanish. Should be good for the community and the user who reads it. Very good post and well written, I can see you understand.

But I'm not sure if that's allowed, I'm new here... how are you ? :)

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