in ecoTrain2 years ago

Hey lovelies ❤️
It's your favorite girl @debbie-ese 😍
Welcome to my blog 🤗


The level of productivity of a person in a day depends on how well the previous day ended. The way you ended yesterday sets a tone for today, likewise the way you start your day determines your level of productivity throughout the day. Ending your day the right way have an effect on your general mood, it can affect your health, appetite, relationship, sleep pattern and so on.

We often have long days at work with so many deadlines to meet up with before the end of the day and this can tell on us if some things did not work as planned or conflicting priorities arise. It can be challenging to have a long day at work but at the end of it all it is important to go through a recovery process in order to be productive the next day.


Below are some ways you can recover after an exhausting long day at work.

  1. One way to recover from the stress of the day is to lie down and do nothing. This is helpful to cool down your mind and give your whole body that relaxing feeling that it hasn't got all through the day. To make this effective, do not engage yourself in anything else like pressing your phone, watching television or even reading your favorite novel because it won't make you get the result you want. Close your eyes from what is happening in the room for a few minutes. If you open your eyes you may notice a thing that needs to be fixed and you'd get carried away.
  2. An amazing way to recover from the stress of the day is to shower. Running some water on your body for a while is a great way to feel better and relaxed. The choice is yours to use either a cold or hot water. It depend on what you want. The most important thing is to experience the refreshing feel that comes with a shower.
  3. It is relaxing to change into something comfortable after work. You have been dressed in your suit or gown all day, it is great to change out of these work clothes to a simple, free and comfortable outfit. You'd be making a mistake if you remain in your work clothes in the house.
  4. Having spent the whole of the day at work getting things done for your company, you should also do something you enjoy when you get home. You will be relaxed when you do something you enjoy after a long day at work, like listening to music, watch a movie, play video games etc. You'd get your mood pumped if you engage yourself with something you enjoy doing.


Today is Saturday, a long work week have ended and I'm sure you'd not want to start a new week feeling stressed. So, take time to rest well this weekend in order to start your new week on a high note.

Thank you for your time lovelies.
The post is originally written by me 💕@debbie-ese💕


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