The 7 habits of highly effective people as an influence on the professional ethics of employees "Part 2".

in ecoTrain3 years ago
Written by:Diomer Antonio Galán Rincón.
Bachelor's Degree.Public Accounting / MSc.Science of Higher Education.

Author: @dgalan,through Power Point 2010 tool, and using public domain image Pixabay

Greetings to all members of this prestigious company, today I come to share with you the second part of the publication on the importance of the habits of highly effective people as an influence on the professional ethics of employees.

As I mentioned in the previous publication, companies that intend to be successful and achieve their strategic objectives very quickly, it is necessary to keep in mind that a good management of ethics, can promote some desirable behaviors of their employees within the company and thus regulate the activities carried out within the framework of their positions more efficiently towards the achievement of the planned objectives.

It is important to mention the 7 habits of highly effective people, it is a tool capable of contributing to conduct life in a more effective way, in the first publication the first three habits were oriented towards the own success and in this second part the habits are oriented on the public victory or achievements for the environment, and the last habit on the ability and need to continuously improve.

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The fourth habit that is presented is related to Win-Win Thinking, in this one we can orientate to reach the mutual objective, to be able to share knowledge, to achieve full abundance and mutual cooperation. In this way, everything that is achieved is enriching for the members of the company, which avoids wasting time and resolving the differences encountered. This is called modern management and the ability to accept and recognize those who think differently, which is a necessary element that we must keep in mind in the Venezuelan Social Model.

We can also say that it is where character is the main element, preserving emotional relationships, managing mutual agreements, all sustained in methods, that is to say; the system of training, informative, communicational, budgetary, planning, rewards, with the objective of win-win.

Image taken from:Pixabay

Next, a fifth habit is called seek first to understand then to be understood. This is the beginning of the path towards a more effective interpersonal communication, towards empathic communication, where the subject first learns knowledge in order to be able to teach. The simple act of listening means to let oneself be influenced in the right way, but it is the beginning of the starting point to be able to influence others.

Image taken from:Pixabay

The sixth habit we know as Synergize, it is oriented to learn to make a cooperation in a more creative way, to have a respectful communication, where all the parts are supported under the premise of win-win an even better idea, by which the final result is much greater than the sum of both, it also helps to improve the knowledge and take advantage of the differences to create a disposition of solutions to the problems with a resolution of the same height better than the previous time.

It should be noted that synergy is to open the mind and heart to new ideas, transferring from old paradigms to new ones, which provide added value, recognizing that people do not observe situations as they are, but as they are.

Image taken from:Pixabay

The seventh habit we define as sharpening the saw, which is to be able to make an analysis with balance, to be able to review the six previous habits and apply corrective measures, innovate and continuously improve as a human being.

This improvement must be preceded by the obedience of the fulfillment of the four dimensions, which are: physically, mentally, socially and spiritually. This renewal is the beginning of the process that helps us to climb on a growth and change of continuous personal development and thinking, once the 7 habits are fulfilled, we can say that we have made the great leap from Independence to Interdependence, which is obtained with personal sacrifice and cooperative collaboration of other people, as long as they have principles, ideas and clear objectives that are commonly shared.

To conclude we can say that people with effective habits are the cornerstones to form highly effective organizations.

I hope you like my article and I would appreciate all your comments.

Bibliographic References:

1.- Pedrini. (2017), Professional ethics. Columbia University of Paraguay. Available at:ón/artículos-de-revision/869-la- ética -profesional.

2.- Whitmore (2017). Key elements of a strong work ethic. Available from