Second Thermophilic Compost successfully done. Well kind of...

in ecoTrain2 years ago

I needed to do two successful thermophilic compost piles in a row for The Soil Food Web School in order to progress forward with the Consultant Training Program and also get a Compost Certificate. This morning I turned this compost pile as it sustained a temperature of 160 F for 24 hours. This also meant each part of the compost (top, middle and bottom) had made it into the hot middle which killed pathogens and encourage aerobic organisms in the process.

Turning the compost pile

In order to turn the thermophilic compost, I first needed to place the top part of the compost pile and sides on a tarp. Also, breaking up any clumps in the process.

Then I needed to place the hot middle into a new cage on another pallet using a 5 gallon container.

Then I placed the bottom of the compost pile on top.

So technically, I passed the compost part of the school but I still need to wait 2-3 weeks for these compost piles to mature and when they do I need to test them with a microscope and record the biology in it.


Very impressive, I am very interested to see the microscopic results as well xxx

This is a video of an analysis of some soil I did for my microscope test.

. Notch soil building content! And as well many congratulations for the ability for you to further your education professionally!!!

Not sure how I missed this comment! Thanks man!

Looking good! Keep it up. Curious to see microscope images of what the heck happens in there xDD

Yeah man, hopefully it has more life in it than what this video had. This was a video of a soil analysis I did for my microscope test