Here's why I want to catch Coronavirus...

in ecoTrain2 years ago (edited)


Another crazy post from me? Well thats a matter of opinion i suppose.. I'd like to start by saying that I have a pretty strong background in medical biology and have worked in one of the top research institutes in the world in the genetics and virology department.

Now i got that out the way, here is what i consider a pretty balanced post about why i would be quite relieved to catch corona sooner than later, and hence avoid the need for any vaccination. I would also like to share a little bit about why I haven't (yet) vaccinated myself.. and probably never will. This post is not some conspiracy none-sense, and id also like to clear up a few misconceptions and reasons why there is quite a lot of misinformation on the topic of the vaccine.. which right now in Europe is one of the most controversial issues facing the general populous.

Debunking the Myths - Vaccine Tracking

Id like to begin by saying that i do not for one minute believe that there are any microchips or tracking systems embedded in any vaccine. This whole idea stemmed from the desire of Bill Gates and Co to indeed allow those who have had a vaccine to be tracked and checked reliably from a close range detector and not any satellite system! . Right now there are god knows how many people carrying fake vaccine certificates and this is actually a pretty serious issue. A trackable vaccine makes sense in so far as you can reliably check if in fact someone really did get the vaccine. So, it is in fact true that there could have been a kind tracking system involved in the vaccine but nothing like the great conspiracy theorists are saying.. The truth sits somewhere between the two polarised views...

Natural Vs Vaccine Immunity

As we are now all quite aware, having the vaccine is not a one time event! Anyone who wishes to be protected from corona will need to update their antibodies every six months with a fresh injection of some pretty toxic substances. These injections are somewhat effective, perhaps as much as 80%, but in many cases as low as 50%. The effectiveness of a vaccine depends not only on the vaccine but also on your bodies ability to respond to it and create antibodies. SO, if you are not healthy and have a weak immune system, this vaccine is going to have much less effect. That is good to know, and one reason why you should try to get as healthy and strong as you can before you have the first shot.

If you are on antibiotics for another illness, you would be well advised to wait until you are finished your course and then have it some weeks afterwards. The reason is that antibiotics really don't do much for your immune response, and will weaken you, making your reaction to any vaccine less. What you want is you body to produce as MANY antibodies to the vaccine as possible.. Those more you make the better chance you have of being safe, both short and long term.

We are all aware now of the fact that there are multiple strains of corona virus, some more dangerous and virulent than others. The Delta variant is quite well known now, and fortunately the vaccines do seem to work on them. BUT, it is only a matter of time before they mutate and form new variants that may or may not be effected by the current vaccines.

On the other hand, those with natural immunity, i.e those exposed to multiple variants, will have a much better chance of avoiding being infected long term. Natural immunity is without any doubt the best defence against this virus as it will protect you from any current and future strains better than any vaccine will, and without the need to keep having more injections to keep up. This is my opinion, and that of many very qualified doctors. Unfortunately due to the staggering amount of money that big pharma is raking in from this, there is a lot of misinformation about it. I no longer can rely on any general information from the news and media and instead choose to use my knowledge and understand of how it all works.

Why I don't want to take the vaccine

I think i would be willing to take the vaccine if i absolutely had to, but right now i am not comfortable doing so. The main reason is that there are way too many serious side effects in a high proportion of cases. I realise that many if not most people just have a few days of fever, and some pain.. but the number of deaths and serious reactions to it are too high for me to ignore. My x wife is one example, and she is still battling against a very serious reaction to her Vaccine.. and has so far spent 5 months going to hospitals whilst the doctors try in vein to help her reduce her many symptoms.. Sadly most doctors are pretty unable to help in these cases as they cannot even determine what exactly is causing these reactions, never mind how to cure them.

Also, i have to be honest that i do not trust big pharma. They have a pretty terrible track record, and i find it hard to believe that they are producing high quality vaccines in the numbers involved. I doubt their figures, and do not believe a word they say about safety or anything else for that matter. I do believe they work at least to some extent, but at what cost? I say this not only out of my own feeling, but also because i am in contact with a very gifted Indian doctor who spends her ENTIRE life right now helping people who are reacting badly to the vaccine. She tell me that it is a horror show, and she spends all day every day none stop trying to help people who have had the vaccine to recover. She secretly helps leaders from around the world who come to her in private for help.. they all come to her as they know what the truth is.. but they of course can never tell the truth in public. There is so much hidden, and so many agendas crossing over that it is virtually impossible to really know what is truth and what is deceit.

Natural Immunity

The simple truth is, there is no substitute for natural immunity! It confers long term protection to multiple strains of the virus, and with no risk of adverse effects from poorly tested vaccines. Any good scientist will tell you, we took a big risk vaccinating the whole population.. and time will only tell what the consequences are.. Also, any good scientist will know.. mass vaccinations put a very high pressure on the virus to mutate further, to produce new strains that are even harder to treat.. We know this from the HUGE problems we have today with antibiotic resistant bacteria to things like MRSA and others.. Very soon antibiotics will be totally useless due to the way doctors over prescribe them.. and we have nothing else to offer... the same can be said for corona virus vaccines. It is no different to viruses, and of course big pharma know this, but they do not mind as they only stand to make more and more money from developing new vaccines and continue the endless battle of fighting this virus.

SO, with all that said.. Perhaps you can understand now a little more Why i would be very happy to get corona virus and get myself natural immunity! I of course HOPE that it doesn't kill me, but from what i have seen, most of the people i know who got the actual virus were really quite OK.. only one friend had a longer term two month loss of smell and taste.. but now he is OK and he is also SAFE! I believe that if i get it i wont die, i may get ill, perhaps quite ill, but then i will also recover and be properly protected.

Wishing you all well, and hope that we can all keep our wits about us. I wish we lived in a different system that would allow us to trust and believe what we are told, but sadly that is not the case. When i read an article about what the WHO says, or SAGE (the UK advisory board) i tend to be very sceptical! I remember once doing some due diligence on SAGE, and who leads it, and the results of that check was quite disturbing! Lets just say that the people advising our clueless leaders are really not independent, and in most cases stand to make a LOT of money from their 'impartial' advice! Our leaders are NOT scientists, and have really little to no idea about what is going on. Therefore they can only take advice from others, and from what i can see they are the wrong people doing so.

Therefore, i wait to either catch this virus, OR maybe have natural immunity without even getting infected. Failing that, perhaps one day.. i will consider taking this vaccine once i can see enough time has passed and there are not more after effects. I think it is very smart that a section of humanity are staying out, because its a big risk to vaccinate us all with something that we dont yet know the full effects of.

Wishing you all good health and and a strong immune system! Now time to eat something healthy! :)

Id like to leave you with a very informative short youtube video


Just one day later i read this on the mainstream news:

New Botswana variant with 32 'horrific' mutations is the most evolved Covid strain EVER and could be 'worse than Delta' — as expert says it may have emerged in an HIV patient

Only 10 cases of the strain — dubbed B.1.1.529 — have been spotted to date
Variant has 32 mutations, many of which suggest it is more vaccine resistant
Scientists warn the variant could be worse 'than nearly anything else about'


Me too. And I tried. And it did not work. Maybe I am immune from previous experiences, but the T-cell test did not confirm this.

 2 years ago  

how did you try~!!?

Sitting with people who were having that flu (not just a positive test). Close, non ventilated room...

You want a mild infection to get a natural immunity?
Congratz on reinventing the concept of vaccination.

 2 years ago (edited) 

mild would be preferable!~ have to be honest.. im a bit nervous to get it.. but.. no more so than having the vaxxx

Not really this vaccine doesn’t work like that’s it’s mrna.

Well, that is another can of worms.
Normal vaccination works like that, though.

I think even the experts say the difference between this vaccine and natural immunity is hugely in favour of natural immunity.

I like nuanced stances, and this is one. I am not against V's as a concept, I just don't see any reason at all to trust the companies that make them. If it's something that's been used for decades and has had lots of very critical studies done on it, that's one thing. If it's something they are pushing out rushed and trying to manipulate people into taking, that's another. Plus I would also rely on natural immunity for something with such a low death rate for healthy people, even if it does sound like a pretty unpleasant experience to catch it.

 2 years ago  

i had to google the word nuanced! thanks for helping me improve my vocab :)
thanks for your comment! yes glad u understand what im on about! cheeers!

I’ve never followed any precautions other than eating rly healthy, exercising, taking supplements and trying to stay positive and never had any symptoms I’ve also sometimes felt like I would like a very mild hit so my body learns to be able to deal with it and build natural immunity incase the vaccines ppl are taking cause mutations.

 2 years ago  

ooh hello! yes.... i mean.. leading a healthy lifestyle, and being positive is perhaps the best thing we can do.. sadly most of the european population eat really really badly, and live very stressful lives.. so they are at higher risk of getting ill.. and we all know that very few people are going to change that..

who knows.. maybe you already have had a mild hit, and didnt even notice.. there is a test to see of course, but why bother.. lets just eat well and keep fit, and YES be happy be happy.. its the ultimate protection.. <3 nice to see u here x

I just had a test, my first one actually yesterday to fly back to Uk later today but I’m not sure the lateral flow show past immunity tbh I know nothing about the tests as just never had one till I needed one to fly.

 2 years ago  

I dont think they do,, its a different test else everyone with a vaxx would show positive…

Hope i had a nice time! Now back to winter for ya ;) x

I’ve been more on travel last few weeks but just got a great ecotrain story as we were chatting as just had to try and rescue a bird

 2 years ago  

Awee.. look forward to reading the story.. lucky bird it sounds like! ;)

A month or two after my wife got the J&J vaccine, she tested positive for Covid. A couple of days later, I got it myself I assume although I didn't get tested and I've never been vaccinated.
It's such a shame that science is used against us when it could do so much good. The narrative is controlled by profiteers and the goal is the same as it is with every false flag going back as far as I can remember.
1st goal is control
2nd goal is to financially benefit from it.
My wife recovered in a few days... 3 weeks later and I'm almost back to normal.
It was rough but my immune system won.
what a world..

PeterDaszak -Hype.jpg

Wow! This is probably one of the most well-written takes on the virus that I've read so far, especially after always seeing one side of the story, everywhere. I myself have always said and thought that the truth can be found somewhere in the middle ( inbetween the story of the mainstream media and that of the so-called conspiracy theories.

I can totally relate to you. Aside from not trusting the vaccins ( and seeing how it goes totally wrong in The Netherlands, where I'm from ), I can't help but feel that the main focus should be on working on our own health, on strengthening our immune system, on a daily basis. Of course promoting that, promoting a healthier lifestyle, doesn't make money but I can't help but wonder if governments are actually trying to beat the virus or whether they are trying to make money. I think they don't know the answer themselves any longer.

P.S. I also think homeopathy is one of the ways to go and not necessarily to cure C*vid but to become healthier and happier. I plan to walk that path, starting next month.

Thank you for writing and sharing this and greetings from Central Portugal!

 2 years ago  

Thank you! Im pleasantly surprised to see positive comments on this one.. and especially yours.. cheers!

You're welcome. Enjoy your day and keep walking that path towards a healthier life!

It's interesting how something "so contagious" is really not that contagious or maybe just not that infectious after all. I'd have to look up all of these words in the dictionary, and make sure that I don't have an outdated edition, to be certain that I'm using them all correctly with how the "world government" defines them.

  1. You don't always get the infection from someone with symptoms who is symptomatic
  2. You can still spread the infection if you are "fully" jabbed. Also, you can still die - the difference in your odds are negligible, at best.
  3. You don't get the infection from someone who is "infected" with SARS COV2 but has no symptoms - just ask big pharma if they studied asymptomatic spread in any of their trials (spoiler alert: not a single study).
  4. Original Pfizer study proved it's more dangerous to take the jab than not (i.e. more people died from infection with jab than those who got the placebo). Just read the updated TRIAL information from Pfizer. (Spoiler alert: main stream media isn't covering this)
  5. This is the biggest human experiment in the history of mankind .. with the guise of safety .. but in fact it's mass coercion.