in ecoTrain4 years ago


Otra de las plantas terapéuticas que hacen vida en mi jardín es la Yerba Mora Es una planta con muchos usos terapéuticos, según estudios esta planta es Analgésica, purgante, anti inflamatoria, sedante y antiespasmódica, yo no les voy
a hablar de ninguno de esos usos porque no la he utilizado para eso, en mi casa solo se ha usado para curar la culebrilla o Herpes Zoster.



Se usa en la parte afectada machacando la hojas y el fruto y esa cataplasma la colocas para que desinflame y ya hasta los médicos te mandan a ensalmar la culebrilla porque dicen que eso es lo que la cura, y esa es por lo general la rama que usan para hacer el ensalme.

Cuando a mi hermana le dio culebrilla el médico la mandó a ensalmarse, gracias a Dios en la casa había hierba mora y en menos de 7 días ya estaba seca la culebrilla.

Espero que mis experiencias con estas planta les sirvan.

Otra cosa... dicen que esta planta es tóxica y que no se debe abusar si se consume. Tiene un componente que se llama Solanina que en grades dosis puede ser venenoso, No usar en los perros porque por experiencia es muy tóxica para ellos. Yo hice una infusión con Hierba Mora y se la puse a mi perra en la piel y se puso peor. Luego leí en internet que era muy venenosa para ellos.


Another of the therapeutic plants that live in my garden is Yerba Mora It is a plant with many therapeutic uses, according to studies this plant is analgesic, purgative, anti inflammatory, sedative and antispasmodic,

I am not going to talk about any of those uses because I have not used it for that, in my house it has only been used to cure culebrilla or Herpes Zoster.



It is used on the affected part, crushing the leaves and the fruit, and you put that poultice to deflate it, and even the doctors send you to pray for cure it because they say that this is what cures it, and that is generally the branch that they use to make the ensalme.

When my sister had culebrilla, the doctor sent her to worship, thanks God there was yerba mora in our house and in less than 7 days the culebrilla was dry.

I hope that my experiences with these plants will help you.

Another thing ... almost everybody say that this plant is toxic and should not be abused if consumed. It has a component called Solanine that in large doses can be poisonous. Do not use in dogs because from experience it is very toxic to them. I made an infusion with yerba mora and put it on my dog's skin and it got worse. Then I read on the internet that it was very poisonous to dogs.



I am glad there are still doctors in this world who encourage the use of natural medicines in combination with prayer. So many people discount the importance of a calm and focused mind to help a stressed body to heal. It is the same when a mother gives her child a foul tasting medicine, and urging them to believe it to be a cure because it has been used successfully for generations. Belief and hope for a positive outcome is a healing agent too.

Thank you for sharing this. I love learning about ingenious remedies made to cure complex maladies.

@creativetruth, amigos, gracias. Desde pequeña había escuchado que la culebrilla (herpes zoster) se cura con ensalme y yerba mora, lo vivimos cuando a mi hermana y después a mi sobrino le dio culebrilla, se curaron fue con eso, gracias por leer mi post.

Thanks friends @creativetruth. Since I was little I had heard that culebrilla (herpes zoster) is cured with prayers and yerba mora, we lived it when my sister and then my nephew had culebrilla, they were cured with that, thanks for reading my post

Herpes zoster is TERRIBLE and we're so grateful for you showing another herbal remedy that has been shown to truly help. Thank you.

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@naturalmedicine y @artemislives, gracias por haber leído mi post, procuro escribir cosas que me han pasado a mi o mi familia y que le puedan servir a otros.

@naturalmedicine and @artemislives, thanks for reading my post, I try to write things that have happened to me or my family and that can serve others.

La naturaleza brinda más beneficio de lo que pensamos
Muy bueno su post @flordi