Let's talk about education and mental health - Question of the week # 7.8 / Hablemos de la educación y la salud mental.

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Hello friends of this incredible community. This week we can talk about something that we consider that we do not talk much since the main topic for some time is the Coronavirus, but there are many topics that we seem to have forgotten about.

Everyone already knows the political problem that exists in my country Venezuela, and the problem of the pandemic is added and it is something that has kept us physically and mentally occupied for a long time. But now that we are vaccinated and that we see light at the end of the tunnel, we must focus on something that, in my opinion, is as big a problem as the pandemic.

Let's talk about education.

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We all know that education in Venezuela has not been the best, the most complete. Children who were born since 2010 are the most suffered in the concept of education. Before the pandemic, we already suffered from the lack of classes due to suspension due to water and electricity rationing.

After this, there was a lack of a working hand in education due to the massive migration of qualified people, who had to go to another country looking for a better quality of life.

In my case, I am the grandmother of 3 children, of which 2 are of school age and one who is entering school this year. Their ages are 11, 6 and 4 years old. I am concerned about how little they have seen of classes and that the 6-year-old cannot read or write. Due to the concern that my daughter and I have, a school was found for her, those that teach at home to prepare the child with the schoolwork.

The sacrifice was made to set aside $ 5 a week to register them to be prepared, but not everyone has to set aside from buying their food to take them to school to study.

This generation of children is getting up with the worst base in education of all our time, there were already problems of the lack of nutrition of children who fainted in schools due to hunger, going through the heat of a classroom due to not having electricity and now not be studying for the Covid.

The teacher's salary is another problem that affects the education of children. The few remaining teachers would receive a larger number of children than is owed. If in a classroom there were 30 children for a single teacher, now they will have to receive 40 to 50 children per classroom due to the lack of teachers. But this work will not be paid twice, but this salary is insufficient to cover the teacher's household expenses and now they will have more burden and the student will not be well attended by the teacher due to the exaggerated number of students.

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Let's talk about mental health.

The other issue that worries me and that is not talked about is mental health. Worldwide we have been touched by this issue since we were all impressed with the massive deaths that occurred in the world and that many of us lived it closely.

Before the arrival of the pandemic, the problem of mental health in our society had already increased, suicide issues were more around the corner.

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Every day in front of my house, for a few months, this man sits there on the sidewalk to ask, I see him talking to himself, he throws stones and you can see his suffering and frustration.

This problem is not only a lack of money from the man, it is the lack of a decent job that makes him feel useful and that he receives remuneration to buy his necessities. It is a lack of integration into society and that he feels that he is valuable, but on the contrary, every day he feels more burdened by problems.

These are the two important issues that I consider about which we should talk more and leave the issue of the pandemic a bit (while taking care of ourselves with the use of mouth covers and bio-safety). Train our generation of relief, children, with a healthy education physically and mentally and to help men and women who can still integrate into society with decent work so that their mental health is regenerated.

This is my answer to the weekly question from the @ecotrain community, if you want to share a topic to talk about, go to the link:


All of the photos are of my property.



Hola amigos de esta increíble comunidad. Esta semana podemos hablar de algo que consideremos que no hablamos mucho ya que el tema principal desde hace algún tiempo es el Coronavirus, pero hay muchos temas de los que pareciera que nos hemos olvidado.

Ya todos saben el problema político que hay en mi país Venezuela, y se suma el problema de la pandemia y es algo que nos ha tenido ocupados física y mentalmente durante mucho tiempo. Pero ahora que nos vacunamos y que vemos luz al final del túnel debemos centrarnos en algo que, a mi parecer, es un problema tan grande como la pandemia.

Hablemos de la educación.

Todos sabemos que la educación en Venezuela no ha sido la mejor, la más completa. Los niños que nacieron desde el 2010 son los más sufridos en el concepto de educación. Antes de la pandemia ya sufríamos la falta de clases por suspensión por racionamiento de agua y de luz.

Luego de esto se presentó la falta de mano trabajadora en la educación por la migración masiva de gente calificada, quienes tuvieron que irse a otro país buscando una mejor calidad de vida.

En mi caso, soy abuela de 3 niños, de los cuales 2 están en edad escolar y uno que entra al colegio este año. Sus edades son 11, 6 y 4 años. Me preocupa lo poco que han visto de clases y que la de 6 años no sabe leer ni escribir. Debido a la preocupación que tenemos mi hija y yo, se le buscó una escuelita, esas que enseñan en su casa para preparar al niño con las tareas de la escuela.

Se hizo el sacrificio de apartar 5 dólares semanales para inscribirlas para que las prepararan, pero no todo el mundo tiene para apartar de la compra de sus alimentos para llevarlas a la escuelita a estudiar.

Esta generación de niños se está levantando con la peor base en educación de todo nuestro tiempo, ya había problemas de la falta de alimentación de los niños que se desmayaban en las escuelas por hambre, pasando por el calor de un aula por no tener electricidad y ahora no estar estudiando por el Covid.

El salario del docente es otro problema que afecta a la educación de los niños. Los pocos maestros que quedan recibirían una cantidad de niños mayor a la que se debe. Si en un salón de clases habían 30 niños para un solo maestro, ahora tendrán que recibir de 40 a 50 niños por salón debido a la falta de maestros. Pero este trabajo no será remunerado por el doble, sino que este sueldo es insuficiente para cubrir los gastos del hogar del maestro y ahora tendrán más carga y el alumno no será bien atendido por el maestro debido a la exagerada cantidad de alumnos.

Hablemos de salud mental.

El otro tema que me preocupa y que no se hable de eso es la salud mental. Mundialmente nos ha tocado este tema ya que todos fuimos impresionados con las muertes masivas que hubo en el mundo y que muchos lo vivimos de cerca.

Para antes de la llegada de la pandemia ya se había incrementado el problema de la salud mental en nuestra sociedad, los temas de suicidio se encontraban más a la vuelta de la esquina.

Todos los días frente a mi casa, desde hace algunos meses, este señor se sienta allí en la acera a pedir, lo veo hablando solo, tira piedras y se le nota su sufrimiento y frustración.

Este problema no es solo de falta de dinero del señor, es la falta de un trabajo digno que le haga sentir útil y que recibe una remuneración para comprar sus necesidades. Es una falta de integración a la sociedad y que sienta que es valioso, pero por el contrario cada día se siente más agobiado por los problemas.

Estos son los dos temas importantes que yo considero de los cuales debemos hablar más y dejar un poco el tema de la pandemia (sin dejar de cuidarnos con el uso del tapa bocas y la bio seguridad) Formar a nuestra generación de relevo, los niños, con una educación sana física y mentalmente y ayudar a los haombre y mujeres que todavía pueden integrarse a la sociedad con un trabajo digno para que su salud mental se regenere.

Esta es mi respuesta a la pregunta semanal de la comunidad de @ecotrain, si deseas compartir un tema para hablar, entra al link:

Todas la fotos son de mi propiedad.


The teacher's salary is another problem that affects the education of children.

This is one of the pandemics in many countries in the world. It’s terrible how teachers aren’t placed as a priority. They should be one of the highest paid professionals, maybe that way many people will have more interest in teaching our kids of today.

That is correct friend, with a salary of 2 dollars nobody has interest in going to work. Not even half a day's work as children require time and dedication from the teacher. Thank you for coment in my blog @d1homid