Starting my own garden

in ecoTrain4 years ago

My lovely plants

Hey guys, I wanted to quickly show you how my garden is growing a bit.

Today I decided to place some plants that I had in small pots to another place with more space. Actually an old refrigerator that we had at home we decided to take advantage of it to plant some little things.

Hey guys, quería enseñarles rápidamente cómo va creciendo un poco mi huerto.

Hoy decidí colocar algunas plantas que tenía en pequeño botes a otro lugar con más espacio. Realmente una nevera vieja que teníamos en casa decidimos aprovecharlo para plantar algunas cositas.





All these plants were moved to the fridge, well, it is currently my garden. I planted a few things among them is the tomato, chili, paprika, chives. Now it is only a matter of taking care of them and watching them grow, hoping to receive some fruit in the future.

Todas estas plantas fueron movidas a la nevera, bueno actualmente es mi huerto. Sembré varias cosas entre ellas está el tomate, ají, pimentón, cebollín. Ahora solo es cuestión de cuidarlas y verlas crecer, esperando recibir algún fruto en el futuro.








Over time I will update the growth of my plants. by the way, in my house I don't have space to plant so I took advantage of the use of this old fridge

Con el paso del tiempo iré actualizando el crecimiento de mis plantas. por cierto, en mi casa no tengo espacio para sembrar por eso aproveché el uso de esta nevera vieja


Excellent work. So nice to see your plants getting started.

Yay! I'm excited, my plants are so beautiful 😍 I can't wait to see any fruit