Impact of modern anthropogenic climate change and racial behavior

in ecoTrain3 years ago


In previous posts I have referred to some considerations on a complex issue, such as the racial and climatic segregation suffered by dark-skinned people in their geographic environments of terrestrial coexistence.

Now, according to the results revealed by a research on racial and climatic segregation developed by the American and expert in Climate Change Angel Hsu, which shows that dark-skinned people live in areas with limited green spaces but conversely with more buildings, as opposed to white people living in large open spaces and wooded areas.

I have repeatedly mentioned that although climate change is a product of climatic alterations attributed to the excessive action of modern anthropogenic activities, it should be noted that this action does not distinguish between races.

Source / Author: Geralt, 2019

On the other hand, it is noteworthy that this action does not distinguish between races, therefore, condemning dark-skinned people to live in reduced spaces and with less wooded areas, without the availability of drinking water is a clear example of racial segregation.

In times of modernity, racial segregation and climate change are issues that have been accentuated to the point of creating visible imbalances, as clear differences are increasingly established between areas where whites live compared to dark-skinned people.

An example of this I mention, is that in areas where people live there are more trees and sources of drinking water, the opposite occurs in areas where dark-skinned people live.


Willcox S A Rising Tide: The Implications of Climate Change Inundation for Human Rights and State Sovereignty. Link

Angel Hsu Disproportionate exposure to urban heat island intensity across major US cities. Link

Leiserowitz A RACE, ETHNICITY and Public Responses to Climate Change. Link


The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating the public domain image background: Source / Author: Cocoparisienne, 2016