in ecoTrain3 years ago

Author: @madridbg, through Power Point 2010, using public domain images.

Welcome dear readers of this prestigious platform, this publication serves as a mechanism that allows the conceptual approach of the transformations that have been developing in this path that we have not yet finished walking and that is known as climate change.

Undoubtedly, its effects have generated a sense of uncertainty for many, while others seem to be uninformed of the serious effects that the excessive increase in temperature has been causing on the planet, which threatens biodiversity and the subsistence of life if we continue with these behaviors so far from sustainable principles.

So through the United Nations, a call has been initiated that allows the use of nature itself as the main defense of the planet and that will contribute to the improvement of the damage that we have caused on it. Therefore, it is seen as a new opportunity for high-level governments and society to work in coordination in favor of planetary balance.

Fig. 2 Nature is the solution to a big problem like climate change. Author: Free-Photos

The main objective of the United Nations Decade is oriented to the restoration of the different ecosystems of the world, taking as a premise that a healthy nature allows to reverse the effects of global warming.

According to research conducted over the years, it has been established that a nature in better conditions could help the different species that cohabit the planet to adapt to the changes that are to come. The effects are attributable to the fact that large cities under a restoration of their forests can achieve the cooling of the air and thus reduce the heat waves that are generated.

In the same vein, at the level of coastal areas, mangroves would be the means of protection against climate change as flooding by cyclonic surges, product of low pressure would be contained by these and its effects or damage would be less on the coasts of our planet, for its part at the level of the slopes, with the greened mountains can be achieved to generate the protection of the surrounding communities as avalanches and landslides are concerned.

Fig. 3. Mangroves represent a protection mechanism in coastal areas. Author: kmarius

According to Tim Christophersen, a fund has been initiated to generate sufficient economic resources to initiate a real fight against climate change:
"We need to broaden the scope of nature-based solutions and this initiative comes if anything a little late because we are already experiencing drastic changes in our planet, so we are still in time to adapt to these scenarios".

Currently, the planet beyond the damage generated by the pandemic, is experiencing major changes, for example the temperature of 2020 has been one of the highest in decades, where more than 60 million people have been affected by floods, droughts, storms, among others.

One of the most aggressive changes that the planet has been presenting, is visualized in the displacement of the Sahara desert, which has been devastating water sources and different livelihoods, the strategy of the African community has been to repopulate trees that extend for about 8000 kilometers practically the width of the African territory, Once this goal is achieved, we will be giving a second wind to our planet and this imposing barrier will be the support against the onslaught of the desert, generating greater food and agricultural stability in the area and allowing the land to stabilize.

Fig. 4. Displacement of the Sahara desert. Author: NASA

On the other hand, this type of initiative can emerge as an alternative for employment in these times of pandemic as it somehow incentivizes the work of the volunteers who participate in these magnificent works.

Undoubtedly, we are facing a great challenge and I think this is the moment where we all must contribute to this great solution because for great problems, great solutions. So if you have found this initiative timely, I invite you to leave your contribution in the comments section.


[1] Díaz Cordero, Gerarda. (2012). CLIMATE CHANGE. Science and Society, vol. XXXVII, no. 2, pp. 227-240. Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Article: Online Access

[2] WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION.. Health in the International Decade for Natural Disaster Prevention. Article: Online Access

[3] Capacci, Alberto and Stefania Mangano (2015). "Natural Disasters. Cuadernos de Geografía: Colombian Geography Journal 24 (2): 35-51. DOI: 10.15446/rcdg.v24n2.50206. Article: Online Access


The design of the portal was made by @madridbg, using public domain images

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It is interesting and very accurate your post. It is a pity that most of the efforts made to stop climate change and protect ecosystems have been unsuccessful, maybe the pandemic will make us react on the importance of protecting the environment to ensure life as we know it.