How to overcome addiction ?

in ecoTrain3 years ago

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Addiction is a disease. It is a disease that we know is hurting us but we cannot stop it. And there is no limit to how many addictions people have. And everyone has an addiction to any subject. You may think that this is not an addiction but you can't stay away from it for long. Or if you don't get that thing at that time, you feel uneasy. Addiction is not created overnight. It is the result of the same work every day. Suppose you sit at the computer every night at 10 o'clock to play games with friends. You can't stop it all of a sudden after you do it for 1 month at a time. Then one day you will not feel comfortable at that time. Because it has become your addiction. Yes. You can skip that too, if you find something interesting. This is the effect of addiction. Nowadays the amount of this addiction towards children's mobile games or internet has increased a lot. Especially during the Corona epidemic. Everyone has used and is using mobile or internet more than before. Pubge games in particular have created a great attraction for people of all ages, young and old. And this is a cause for concern for parents. Because playing a game all day has a deadly effect on the body and mind. In some cases it has reached such a stage that young children do not even hesitate to commit serious acts like suicide. You can't turn off the internet because now all online classes are running. And for this they are using these devices. Due to which these have become a big problem. There are many addictions like this that have become a cause for concern for our parents.

I am also a human being. I can't say that I don't have addictive in anything. I also have addiction to some things. I'm talking about the way I avoid them. First of all, we have to pay attention to the observance of religion. You have to respect your religion. Because no religion leads people astray. Religion is the main way to protect people from all kinds of bad addictions. And everyone in the family has to comply. You have to pray at the right time. This will free you from bad thoughts. Secondly I always follow a routine where we are set to tasks throughout the day. When I wake up in the morning, when I eat, when I pray, when I work, when I study, when I play games with my friends, I do everything according to that routine. Because addiction is not created in one day, it cannot be stopped in one day. And it takes a long time to stop. All family members must be supported. When we are attracted to something bad, our family members punish us for stopping it. But even if it works up to an age, it doesn't work at a certain age, but this punishment increases the attraction towards that thing. In that case talk to him without punishment and plan how to reduce it gradually. Need to create a good friend circle. Who will not even engage in addiction which is detrimental to us. Because most bad addictions start with friends. There is a saying that if four out of five friends are bad, their behavior will show in you. In the same way, if your friends are good, then you will be good too. And if your friends are bad too, then you have to understand yourself better. Because as long as you realize that doing something is likely to hurt you, you have the ability to protect yourself. Engage yourself in activities that can keep you out of your addiction. Give importance to your hobby and physical exercise. Because these will help you to spend your time. These are very good for your mind and body. You have to learn to use your time. Because everything has a limit. When it exceeds the limit, it becomes an addiction. If you suffer as a result of addiction, the loss will be yours and not any member of your family. Parents may worry about your loss, but you will suffer from both physical and mental damage.


Biggest addiction is my phone but it's one of those addictions that you can't let go totally because I still need to use it for work but I can gradually trying to give myself time outs and enjoy the moment instead of being on it.